Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Inaugurated 110 vets, Vice Rector III: Hold professional ethics firmly

Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) and Chairman of East Java I PDHI Branch on Tuesday, July 28, 2020. (Photo: Andri Hariyanto)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has just inaugurated its students to serve the community. 110 students of 32nd professional education were inaugurated as veterinarians on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at Tandjung Adiwinata Hall, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) UNAIR. The inauguration was live via Zoom.

The inauguration was attended by UNAIR Vice Rector III Prof. Ir. Moch. Amin Alamsjah, M.Si., Ph.D., Director of UNAIR Veterinary Hospital Ira Sari Yudaniayanti., drh., M.P, Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Prof. Dr. Pudji Srianto, drh., M. Kes., with other leaderships of faculty and departments, and Chairman of Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) East Java Branch I Prof. Dr. Suwarno, drh., M.Si, and several guests invited by FKH UNAIR.

Until now, UNAIR has graduated more than 4,000 veterinarians. In this inauguration, Erwan Budi Hartadi was named the best veterinary graduate with 3.77 GPA.

On this occasion, the veterinarians got encouragements from the leaderships. Prof. Amin, on behalf of UNAIR Rector, advised that veterinarians should uphold the professional ethics.

“Hold firmly the professional ethics that apply in the veterinary code of ethics. Uphold the sense of humanity and live it with honor according to your oath, “he said.

Prof. Amin conveyed the important role of veterinarians. This profession plays an important role for the livelihood of human beings, by maintaining food consumed by community. Vets also contribute to food security, and prevention of zoonotic and non-zoonotic infectious diseases.

In line with that, Prof. Suwarno, in his remarks, emphasized that veterinarians contribute in activities to improve the quality of public health, including guaranteeing food security.

“One of the roles of veterinarians is surveillance of humans, animals and the environment,” said Prof. Suwarno.

Meanwhile, Prof. Pudji hoped that veterinarians can practice their knowledge, potential, and competence directly to the community. And, to compete in the national and international arena.

“The responsibility of upholding the pillars of one health system strategy related to zoonotic diseases. And implementing a food security and food safety program,” he explained. (*)

Author: Asthesia Dhea Cantika

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh