UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga as one of the best universities in Indonesia always strives to improve the practices of Higher Education Tri Dharma. One of the three dharmas that must be practiced is community service.
In this regard, State University Center of Excellence (PUI-PT) Biomolecular Engineering Research Center, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has provided training and dissemination to Wonosalam Durian farmers. The training on making biofertilizer was held at the DeDurian Park Research Garden, Wonosalam, Jombang on Sunday, August 30, 2020.
Dr Ni’matuzahroh, one of the Senior Researchers of UNAIR Biomolecular Engineering Research Center attended the event. According to her, the activities with Wonosalam Durian Farmers was a form of significant role of higher education institutions to the community. She emphasized that the cooperation will last for long term.
“This is a real form of universities’ role. Experts and students are directly involved in the activities with durian farmers in Wonosalam Jombang, ” she said.
Yusron Aminulloh as CEO of DeDurian Park and Sumrambah as Vice Regent of Jombang welcomed the event held by PUIPT – Biomolecular Engineering Research Center, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). Synergy between scientists and practitioners is a step that must be taken to develop durian farming in Wonosalam.
“Let’s make Wonosalam be the center of National Durian. We will take the first steps today, in the next four to six years, we will get the results, “added Yusron Aminulloh.
In this activity, Dr Agus Supriyanto had the opportunity to be the main speaker. Dr. Agus encouraged the durian farmers to be more careful and diligent in applying microbial-based fertilizers. Dr. Agus also introduced his bio-fertilizer liquid product. With this biological fertilizer, Wonosalam durian is expected to have a strong texture, color and aroma.
In the end, there was Q&A session between 25 Wonosalam durian farmers and the speaker. Furthermore, the training was closed with a practical demonstration of making effective liquid fertilizers for Wonosalam durians. (*)
Author:Â Sandi Prabowo
Editor:Â Khefti Al Mawalia