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AADC 2 gives tips for staying productive amid pandemic

UNAIR NEWS – Staying productive in the pandemic era is neither easy nor difficult, it depends on each personality because during a pandemic, almost every activity is expected to be carried out online, with minimal direct dissemination. Boredom, lack of facilities, limited space could be the cause of less productivity, as stated by some AADC 2 participants.

According to Fitri Rohmatul, the person in charge for the activity, What’s With Corona 2 or known as AADC 2 is a means to share information related to COVID 19 initiated by B-PHA UNAIR 2020. After previously discussing COVID 19 at AADC 1, it is back again to give tips on staying productive during a pandemic.

Instead of presenting material conventionally, Hario Megatsari, S.KM., M.Kes., AADC 2 speaker prefers asking questions so he can have a discussion with the participants. Here are some things UNAIR NEWS can summarize on Friday, September 4, 2020 from the discussion on Zoom.

What is Productivity?

According to Hario, the Head of the Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Science (PKIP), productivity is the use of resources owned for something useful, both for yourself, family, the surrounding environment and the wider community. “This is an important point for us to know what productivity is,” he reiterated.

Things Hindering Productivity Amid Pandemic

Regarding things that hinder productivity amid pandemic, the lecturer known as Hario summarized some of the answers from the participants. Based on his summary, some of the obstacles are not using time properly, being lazy, difficult to develop due to limited facilities.

“Actually, we want to be productive by maximizing existing resources to make them more useful. However, these things were hindered by these things,” he explained.

“We need to understand, when the pandemic takes place, we and the world suffer a big blow. Maybe some of these things are a picture of what we have experienced so far, “he added.

Solutions or Tips to Maintain Productivity

In his discussion, he tried to identify a solution, which may be suitable for participants. However, this solution may not be perfect.

“The first is the mindset, it’s important, starting from the mindset. If there is only lamenting, there will be no excitement, no spirit which will become obstacles. For example, use the pandemic as a reason, facilities for development are not available, leading to less enthusiasm. Therefore, it is necessary to change the mindset so we can do something, do not give up on the situation, “he explained clearly.

The second is strong intention. Because after the mindset changes, a strong intention will become an operator in carrying out productive activities.

Finally, personal resource management, including time, finance, relationships, social media, knowledge and energy. According to him, if we take full advantage of these six things, we can actually be much more productive. And in the end, the most important solution according to him is prayer.

“These three things are world affairs. We recommend that we also combine it with the spiritual aspect so the effort can be successful, and be more productive, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Rista Novianti

Editor  : Nuri Hermawan