Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR One Health Student Club Batch 1 officially established

UNAIR NEWS – The current global development leads to the importance of a new concept, One Health, to be widely and continuously introduced. Experts in many countries call for more integrated and synergistic cooperation between multidisciplinary disciplines in anticipating the rise of zoonotic diseases with potential to be epidemic.

Airlangga Disease Prevention and Research Center-One Health Collaborating Center (ADPRC-OHCC) was formed by INDOHUN in September 2017 as one of the platforms at Universitas Airlangga. ADPRC has a vision to apply One Health approach and its sustainability, especially in developing human resources (students and academics) through education, research and community service activities at university.

One of the activities to create multidisciplinary collaboration in human, animal and environmental health sector is the One Health Student Club (OHSC). After carrying out registration and selection, around 90 members of OHSC UNAIR Batch 1 were selected, from various faculties and classes in UNAIR.

On Saturday, September 5, 2020, the first meeting of OHSC Batch 1 members was held online via Zoom, inviting Niken Salindri as INDOHUN representative. In the beginning of her presentation, Niken said that OHSC members are expected to collaborate, learn and implement One Heatlh approach through various activities such as One Health Classes, One Health Institutional visits, and student social activities.

“OHSC in short term aims to increase students’ awareness and insight about the concept of One Health, increase students’ understanding on the implementation of One Health concept and form a student mindset to think multi-sectorally in looking at the cause and control of a disease,” said Niken.

Meanwhile, for the long term, she continued, it is hoped that there will be collaborative research and discussion of scientific disciplines in the health sector to improve aspects of public health. As an introduction to the first agenda, all members are required to do a pre-test as a benchmark for all members. In the middle of the presentation, members were also divided into 11 groups to discuss with each other in order to start collaboration.

In the future, OHSC UNAIR Batch 1 has consecutive agenda proposals including human – animal – environmental interface, followed by material on multi-sectoral collaboration elements and case studies. “OHSC UNAIR Batch 1 members are expected to collaborate and work together to create a healthier order,” she concluded.

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan