UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga is ranked among 19 percent of the best universities in Asia. The Asian University Rankings is published by Quacquarelli Symonds higher education agency.
The ranking launched on Thursday, November 26, 2020 Indonesian time, put Airlangga University at 124th position, improved 47 places from the previous rank at 171st.
There are eleven indicators used by the ranking agency based in England. They are Academic Reputation, Employer Reputation, Student Faculty, Staff with PhD, Citations per Paper, Papers per Faculty, International Research Network, International Faculty, International Students, Inbound Exchange Students, and Outbound Exchange Students.
From the eleven indicators, two indicator scores of UNAIR are included in Asia’s Top 100. The two indicators are Academic Reputation, which is at 77th and Employer Reputation, which is at 70th.
“UNAIR’s Employer Reputation indicator is among Top 70. Academic Reputation is at position 77th. We will improve for the number of PhDs and citations, including the international students affected due to the pandemic,” said Vice Rector for Internationalization, Digitalization and Information (IDI) Muhammad Miftahussurur Ph.D.

He said that this achievement in ranking was an opportunity for UNAIR to do more, including, making strategies to prepare for future rankings. “We at UNAIR have rearranged strategies, made evaluation and improvements, by expanding the academic peer list and increasing the number of existing research citations,” he said.
He also said that to improve several indicators, lecturers’ research at UNAIR will be encouraged to not only publish in Scopus indexed journals. However, the Quartile (Q) rate will also be pushed from Q3 Q4 to Q2 Q1.
“Thus, our citations will increase and our academic reputation will also improve, improving global reputation among global scientists, “he said.
Meanwhile, Head of Planning and Development Board (BPP) UNAIR Dian Ekowati, Ph.D said, although it was good news, the increase in ranking also brought several evaluations for UNAIR. UNAIR will continue to evaluate the achievements and targets based on data comprehensively. Then, her party will also plan programs that will be carried out for the next four years.
“Several programs that can be carried out to improve the position of AR (Academic Reputation, ed) and ER (Employer Reputation, ed) include peer engagement programs through joint conferences and research, internship boost, CEO talks, and several other programs that encourage publication and citations, “said Dian. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh