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Unraveling the issue of green certificated land and book review of “Arek Suroboyo Mengugat”

DEWAN P2TSIS HR Moh. Faried, SH, Alumni Representative of Universitas Airlangga Board of Trustees. (Photo: Dimar Herfano)
DEWAN P2TSIS HR Moh. Faried, SH, Alumni Representative of Universitas Airlangga Board of Trustees. (Photo: Dimar Herfano)

UNAIR NEWS – The polemic of green certificated land in Surabaya has not met its final point from 1997 to 2020. The green certificated is a document of residents who occupy city government land with land use rights (HPL) status. Residents who hold the letter per 1 land object, apart from paying property tax, must pay green certificated land retribution.

The retribution tax is bigger and almost equal to property tax. The residents have been aggressively taking action, and legal challenges. This movement was recorded in a book compiled by Surabaya Green Certificated Land Resident Association (P2TSIS) entitled Arek Suroboyo Menggugat: Mengakhiri Praktik Persewaan Tanah Negara.

There were two speakers at the book review event, Prof. Dr. H. Eko Sugitario, M. Hum, and Prof. Hery Purnobasuki M.Si., PhD Law Lecturer UBAYA and Head of LIPJP & HKI UNAIR. The book review was held at Swiss Belinn Manyar Hotel on Saturday, November 21.

P2TSIS Supervisory Board and one of UNAIR Board of Trustees members, HR Moh. Faried told the struggle for abolishing green certificated land in Surabaya. He said the lawsuit had been filed in 1999, but it was rejected by the goverment.

“The book was made from various seminars, experts gathering from UNAIR, UNESA, and UBAYA, “said Faried.

This book can be a reference to be used as a benchmark for determining policy for the government. “We almost lose our minds to convince the policymakers in determining green certificated land policy,” he added.

“Various approaches have been made; we (P2TSIS, ed) believe that the voice of academicians from several universities can be unified and recorded. God willing, it can convince policymakers to hear our voice, ” said him.

This event is an educational approach, and the book will be sent to President Jokowi and ministers as well. Thus, they can read the book and help to resolve the green certificated land issue.

Moreover, Faried also explained that the book’s conclusion was written by UNAIR Economics lecturer, Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco, MBA

“Local Government Regulation related to this issue needs to be reviewed or deleted,” he said. (*)

Author: Dimar Herfano

Editor: Feri Fenoria