UNAIR NEWS – The Organization of Bidikmisi Universitas Airlangga (AUBMO) PSDKU in Banyuwangi always carries out a work program called Abdi Isun Lare Bidikmisi every year. This activity was initiated by Ministry of Community Service by aiming education and health sectors in remote and underdeveloped areas.
Something different actually happened at this year’s event. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Abdi Isun Lare Bidikmisi program which was originally carried out by going directly to areas in Banyuwangi, but this year, the committee had to carry out Abdi Isun Lare Bidikmisi’s activities in the area of origin of each committee. Therefore, an idea emerged with the realization of “The Role of Youth in Improving the Quality of Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic” in two islands, three provinces, eleven regencies / cities in Indonesia.
These areas are Pekan Baru, Karanganyar, Magelang, Magetan, Madiun, Bojonegoro, Ponorogo, Kediri, Sidoarjo, Jember, and Banyuwangi by counseling elementary school students in the committee’s hometown.
Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS team on Sunday, November 29, 2020, Mirsa as Minister of PSDM Aubmo said that the current constraints have become an opportunity for us to target even wider areas of service. The role of the committee is extraordinary in the success of one of the great work programs of Aubmo’s management in 2020.
“We have successfully carried out Abdi Isun Lare Bidikmisi’s activity in the end of November 2020. A series of activities received appreciation from all participants,” said the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences student class of 2018.
Furthermore, Mirsa added, based on the theme raised this year, improving the quality of learning during Covid-19 pandemic, we were trying to teach students the importance of clean and healthy living habits or PHBS, maintaining distance, how to put on, use and dispose of the masks correctly to teach a healthy lifestyle for students in primary schools in accordance with the provisions of predetermined health protocols. He emphasized, students were expected to remain active in learning by paying attention to and implementing health protocols amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We hope that in the next Aubmo stewardship, Abdi Isun Lare Bidikmisi program can still be implemented and I have high hopes for all Bidikmisi UNAIR students to be actively involved as a form of service,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat
Editor: Nuri Hermawan