UNAIR NEWS – Distanced learning (PJJ) or commonly known as study from home (SFH) often causes students, teachers and lecturers experience more stress than face-to-face learning. As reported by tirto.id, many students experienced stress, burnout, boredom, and some even hospitalized during PJJ amid COVID-19 pandemic.
From this problem, a group of students in Health Community Empowerment II course, Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences (PKIP), Faculty of Public Health (FKM) UNAIR held a webinar for students of SMAN 5 Madiun. The webinar held on Thursday, November 26, 2020, discussed stress management during the COVID-19 pandemic. The speaker was Kartika Ayu Masyitha, UNAIR Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) student graduated in December 2020.
Kartika explained that there are two types of stress coping that can be done when an individual is under pressure, emotion focused coping and problem focused coping.
“In problem-focused coping, we try to find out the problems that make us stressed and try to solve these problems,” explained the winner of the best project category at the 2020 Istanbul Youth Summit.
Kartika continued, several things that students can do to avoid or face stress during distanced learning include having a special work space, setting school hours, having a written routine, taking breaks, and ending the day on purpose. Furthermore, students also need to be grateful, practice healthy activities, connect with friends, and get enough sleep.
“This special workspace can also be a work desk or study desk. A special room will be able to condition the brain, so that when we are in that room it means we have to work or study, “explained Kartika.
Then, healthy activities can be in the form of exercise, eating healthy foods, and avoiding staying up late. Students also need to end the day on purpose, stop working and studying for the day, and switch to other activities or rest.
“We can also contact our friends, talk about things outside of assignments or school problems, maybe it could be about dramas, movies, or other favorite things,” said Kartika. (*)
Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh