Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Dr. Siwi, figure behind UNAIR achievements in 2020 Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship

(RIGHT) Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina S.E., M.Si with her entrepreneurial students. (Photo: By courtesy)
(RIGHT) Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina S.E., M.Si with her entrepreneurial students. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga has made achievements in 2020 Indonesian Student Entrepreneurship (KMI) Expo. These achievements were thanks to the guidance of Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina S.E., M.Si and the support the Entrepreneurship Development Team (TPK) of Directorate of Student Affairs UNAIR.

At the event followed by students through out Indonesia, Dr. Siwi has won Best Companion Lecturer award from 2020 Indonesian Student Assistance Program (PWMI). The lecturer who teaches Entrepreneurship courses in various programs in UNAIR admitted that she did not expect her name to be mentioned by the judges during the announcement of the KMI Award last week.

“Unlike the previous years, this time before mentoring, Belmawa provided mentoring training for three days,” she said.

“Alhamdulillah, from that I came to know how to assist students who are starting a business with an emphasis on ability and commitment of the students, not on ‘what should be done’. Because, each team must be unique, they cannot be compared with one another, “said Dr. Siwi.

The Management program lecturer of UNAIR Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) said that during the five months of competition, there were obstacles and challenges to guide and monitor the progress of each team. She must be patient in communicating with the 7 teams every two weeks, including with mentors.

“Alhamdulillah, even though via Zoom, the selected mentors were very active in providing directions on technical aspects related to their respective businesses. One of the beneficial things is that the majority of the mentors are UNAIR alumni, ” she said.

“So, there is a special attention to the juniors,” said the lecturer who is also associated with the Indonesian Entrepreneurship Educators Association (PERWIRA).

In the 2020 KBMI, there are four teams supervised by Dr. Siwi, Choipan Team (Culinary Category) who won a silver medal; Ayra Home Spa Team (Industry and Service Category) silver medal; Grouper Blessing Team (Cultivation category), and Fun Treatment Team (service and trade category).

The seven UNAIR teams have varied scientific background compositions compared to previous years. In total there are nine faculties, FEB, FST, FKH, FH, FPK, FKP, FIB, FISIP, FKM and FPsi.

“It indicates that UNAIR has succeeded in arousing an entrepreneurial spirit among students,” said Dr. Siwi.

Dr. Siwi calls 2020 as a successful year. As first, 7 student teams passed the 2020 Indonesian Management Learning Activity (KBMI) funding. They even made 5 national achievements. Second, UNAIR led its students to achieve First National Best KBMK (Business, Management and Finance Competition, Sustainable Development Category).

Third, six teams of UNAIR students got the Vocational Student Entrepreneurship Development Program funding. Fourth, eleven student teams passed the 2020 Student Business Innovation Competition (KIBM) as well as being the largest national team that passed the selection for funding and business development from the National Achievement Center (PUSPRESNAS).

Fifth, two UNAIR alumni who are tenants fostered by UNAIR Incubator unit won the Independent Young Entrepreneur (WMM) and Narasi event.

“Winning is a bonus, the challenge is how to teach management science to startup entrepreneurs who do not have a background in economics and business. And, convince them that they can succeed if they really mean it, “Dr. Siwi explained. (*)

Author: Dimar Herfano

Editor: Feri Fenoria