
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Twenty UNAIR PKM Teams Advance to PIMNAS 2016

UNAIR NEWS – Significant improvement, those two words are fit to illustrate great news brought by 20 teams of student creativity programs (PKM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) as they advance to the Final round of 29th National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) 2016 held in Institute Pertanian Bogor (IPB) on August 8-12, 2016 out of 167 papers from UNAIR funded by General Directorate of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti).

From the official announcement made by General Directorate of Higher Education  of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education on Monday, July 25 evening, the number of UNAIR PKM teams advance to PIMNAS 2016 improved significantly. In 2015, there were 13 teams of PKM UNAIR advanced to PIMNAS held in Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari and achieved Fourth place. In 2014, there were 16 teams advanced to Undip Semarang. And before it, in 2013, we only had 11 teams but became the runner up of 26 PIMNAS in Unram Mataram.

With 20 teams of PKM, UNAIR is at the sixth rank from dozens of universities which participated in PIMNAS. There are four universities of East Java in the big ten. The big ten of PIMNAS are UGM with 29 teams, UB with 27 teams, UM with 23 teams, Undip with 22 teams, IPB with 21 teams, UNAIR with 20 teams, ITS with 15 teams, UNS with13 teams, UI with 12 teams and UNY with 12 teams.

The director of Student Affairs UNAIR, Dr. M. Hadi Subhan, SH., MH., CN., responded the result of the selection positively. He said that the number of teams advancing to PIMNAS this year has broken the record of the previous years’. From 20 PKM proposals advancing, 4 were PKM-K (Entrepreneurship) proposals, 4 were PKM-KC (Karsa Cipta), 3 were PKM-M (Community Service), 6 were PKM-PE (Exacta Research), 2 were PKM-PSH (Social Humanity Research), and 1 was PKM-T (Technology).

“It’s a new record. Last year there were only 13 finalists, and now we have 20 so there is 60 % improvement while other PTN decreases. This year the quota was lessened by half due to financial issue. But UNAIR has rocketed. Hopefully in the Final of PIMNAS UNAIR can get a lot of medals and achieve the big three,” said Hadi Subhan.

This success in improving participations in the final of PIMNAS, in his opinion was because of supports and cooperation of alliance team, Student Affairs directorate, lecturers in the Supervising Team (TPK), BEM UNAIR overseeing Science, Reasoning Student Club (UKM) Garuda Sakti team (alumni of PIMNAS with medals) and PIMNAS alumni association. The solid team has tried its best to bring UNAIR glory in the annual scientific competition in Indonesia.

Apart from the solid team, since the beginning of 2016 UNAIR has routinely held workshops with excellent speakers to provide interesting materials related to presentation, making Power Point correctly, to making posters.

Regarding the preparation to PIMNAS on August 8-12 in Institut Pertanian Bogor, Hadi Subhan said than the twenty finalists will be quarantined this week end. As planned, they will be briefed intensively with similar materials from competent speakers.

“This Friday (29/7) we will quarantine the finalists by inviting experienced speakers. We will brief them intensively until the day of the final and facilitate their need such as inviting the experts on making poster or power point presentation, and so on,” explained Hadi Subhan.(*)

Author : Defrina Sukma S
Editor : Bambang Bes