The use of long-term contraceptive methods (MKJP) in Indonesia is still around 20.51 percent of new family planning participants. Meanwhile, for active family planning participants, the MKJP is still 25.99 percent, consisting of IUD usage at 10.61 percent, implants at 11.20 percent, MOW at 3.54 percent, and MOP at 0.64 percent.
Meanwhile, the use of MKJP contraceptives in the City of Surabaya in 2015-2017 which consisted of IUD, implant, MOW and MOP was around 16 percent. In 2015 the number of MKJP users was 63500 people (16.2 percent), in 2016 MKJP users were 60593 people (16.6 percent), in 2017 MKJP users were 62455 people (16.6 percent).
The data from the Surabaya City Health Office shows that the number of active family planning participants at the Mojo Health Center in 2017 was 10293 with 2320 (22.5 percent) using the IUD contraceptive, 907 (8.8 percent) using MOW, 4 (0, 01 percent) using MOP, 350 (3.4 percent) using implant, 5105 (49.6 percent) using injections, 1422 (13.8 percent) using pills and 185 (1.8 percent) using condoms.
One of the factors that can influence the use of contraception is the support of the husband. Based on the results of research conducted by Lismawati (2018), there is a significant relationship between husband’s support and the use of IUD contraceptives. Likewise, research conducted by Andini (2017) states that there is a relationship between husband’s support and the choice of long-term contraception. Therefore, to analyze the low number of MOW contraceptive participants at Mojo Health Center, the researchers focused on the aspects of husband support.
This study uses a quantitative approach. It is an inferential analysis with a cross-sectional design. The research was carried out in the working area of ​​Mojo Health Center, Surabaya City. The sample in this study were 40 couples of childbearing age. The independent variables in this study are the characteristics of the respondent and the husband’s support. The characteristics of the respondents referred to included age, level of education, total income and number of children. Husband support variables include informational, emotional, and instrumental and reward support, while the dependent variable in this study is the use of MOW contraceptives. Data collection in this research was carried out through interviews with a questionnaire.Â
Husband’s support and wife’s independence
Husband’s support is a form of interpersonal relationship in the form of presence in things that can provide emotional benefits and affect the recipient’s behavior. The respondent’s husband’s support was identified with emotional, instrumental, information and reward support.
The results of this research can be concluded that there are four components in the husband support variable consisting of emotional support, instrumental support, information support, and reward support that are not related to the use of MOW or non MOW contraceptives. Thus, husband’s support is not related to the use of MOW contraceptives and is evidenced by a significance value of more than 0.05.
The results of this research are consistent with research conducted by Mularsih, Munawaroh and Elliana (2018) which states that husband’s support has no effect on the use of intrauterine devices (IUDs). The results of this research are also consistent with research conducted by Mariati (2018) which states that husband’s support is not related to the choice of IUD contraceptive use.
The insignificance of husband’s support is mainly due to the high independence of women. One example is when the doctor advised after the operation to give birth to a third child to install the MOW contraceptive device to prevent further pregnancies and she agreed without asking her husband’s consideration first.
Most decisions about the use of contraceptives for wives do not require advice or support from their husbands first due to various reasons, that a wife is accustomed to being independent and participates in many community activities to increase knowledge about contraception. This condition is added by the high level of education of wives in urban areas so that they can make their own decisions.
Author: Lutfi Agus Salim
Details of the article can be viewed here:
Surya Doni and Lutfi Agus Salim (2020). Relationship Of Demography, Socio-Economy And Husband’s Support With The Use Of Medical Operative For Women Contraceptives (Tubectomy) Towards Couple Of Childbearing Age In Puskesmas Mojo Surabaya. Jurnal Biometrika dan Kependudukan, 9(2): 130-136