Low male participation in contraception
The participation of men to use contraception in Indonesia is still very low, as men who use Male Medical Surgery (MOP) method are only 0.2% while the use of condoms is 3.1% (SDKI 2017). Likewise, the participation of men following family planning (KB) in East Java Province was only 3.7% of the total new KB participants in 2019.
The condition that requires most attention is the underdeveloped areas, borders, outer regions (DTPK) and poor areas, which are in dire need of strategic breakthroughs in accordance with the regional conditions.
Health promotion strategies for male contraception participationÂ
The strategies needed to promote it are as follows:
- Advocacy
Advocacy is an activity that provides assistance to the community through decision makers and policy makers. Advocacy is a strategic and well-planned effort with the aim of getting commitment and support from related parties (stakeholders). One of the supports for male contraception program is manifested by the support of policies that are in favor of the implementation of contraception in remote, border and archipelagic areas as well as urban poor areas.
- Social support
Health promotion will be easy to do if you get social support. Social support is an activity with the aim of seeking support from various elements (community leaders) to bridge the program executive and the community as program recipients. This strategy is deemed an effort to create an atmosphere or build an atmosphere that is conducive to healthcare. The main targets of social support are community leaders at various levels (secondary target), while the other targets include health care groups, religious leaders, health professionals, health service institutions, mass organizations, community leaders, mass media groups and non-governmental organizations. Efforts to build an atmosphere are made to increase the participation of male contraception in underdeveloped areas, border, outer regions (DTPK) and poor urban areas by giving access closer to participants. One of the efforts to bring this access closer is by presenting mobile family planning services, for example through social service activities.
Efforts to build an atmosphere are made to increase the participation of male contraception in underdeveloped areas, border, outer regions (DTPK) and poor urban areas by giving access closer to participants. One of the efforts to bring this access closer is by presenting mobile family planning services, for example through social service activities.
- Community Empowerment
Community empowerment is a health promotion effort. Empowerment is a process of providing information to families or groups and individuals continuously following community developments, as well as the process of helping the community so the community, which at first know nothing can understand and have awareness, and from knowing to having willingness and following the health programs that was introduced.
Community empowerment related to male contraception is conducted through the presence of male family planning motivators and also male family planning groups. Male family planning motivators are those who have used the MOP contraceptive in their environment and hopefully with their experience being MOP participants, they can invite people around them to do the same. Meanwhile the male family planning group is an association of men who have used the MOP contraceptive method. The purpose of forming this group is so that fellow participants can update each other on information related to the impact and effects of using MOP contraceptive method. Furthermore, the acceptor can also find answers to the obstacles that may occur.
- Partnership
In empowerment, atmosphere building, and advocacy, the principles of partnership must be upheld. Partnerships are developed between health workers with the aim of implementing empowerment, building atmosphere, and advocacy. Partnerships are also developed due to awareness that to improve the effectiveness of health promotion, health workers must collaborate with various related parties, such as professional groups, religious leaders, NGOs, the mass media, and others.
- 1. Partnerships are needed to optimize efforts to increase the participation of men in contraception, especially in special regions.
- 2. Training should be provided for male family planning motivators so that information provided can be more detailed and accurate.
Author: Lutfi Agus Salim, FKM Universitas Airlangga
Details of the article can be viewed here:
Indah Eka Novita and Lutfi Agus Salim (2020). Health Promotion Strategy for Improving Men’s Participation in Family Planning Program in the Underdeveloped Areas, Borders and Islands and Poor Urban Areas. Medico Legal Update, 20(4): 223-229