Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR invites experts to strengthen public information transparency

'Strengthening Governance of Public Information Transparency in Higher Education' Webinar on Wednesday, March 3, 2021. (Photo: Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – As a part of its commitment to provide information transparency to the public, Universitas Airlangga through Center for Public Communication and Information (PKIP) held a webinar entitled ‘Strengthening Governance of Public Information Transparency in Higher Education’. The webinar was held on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 through Zoom Meeting application.

The webinar presented three key speakers, Siti Ajijah, Expert Staff of Central Information Commission; Dr. Iva Ariani, SS, M.Hum, Head of Public Relations and PPID Universitas Gadjah Mada; and Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P. Secretary of Directorate General of Higher Education. The webinar was attended by the coordinator of information and public relations in the directorates, faculties, units, agencies, institutions, and centers handling public services in Universitas Airlangga.

UNAIR Vice Rector for Internationalization, Digitalization and Information (IDI) dr. Muhammad Miftahussurur, M.Kes., Sp.PD, Ph.D, in his remarks said that this webinar brought fresh air to public information transparency, especially in UNAIR.

“UNAIR continues to make improvements in the governance of public information transparency. This is proof of our commitment as a university that is capable of implementing the Law on Public Information Disclosure well, “said Miftah.

On that occasion Miftah also invited all elements of the academic community to play a role and encourage UNAIR to get the title of the best university that carries out public information disclosure.

Siti Ajijah, Expert Staff of the Central Information Commission, revealed that Law No. 14 of 2008 on Public Information Disclosure is the basis for the obligations of public bodies, including universities, to implement the Law. As in Article 28 F of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that everyone has the right to communicate and obtain information to develop their personal and social environment.

However, she continued, there are rights granted by law when such information endangers the state. “The limitations of information that should not be shared are for example the history and condition of family members, a history of medical conditions / treatments, assets, including those concerning an individual’s personal record during education,” said Siti.

The second speaker, Iva Ariani, shared about UGM experiences in managing public information. “For us, all PPID data are filtering, so that all can be filtered because there are clear rules about what information can and cannot be issued to the public,” she said.

Meanwhile, Head of PKIP UNAIR Martha Kurnia Kusumawardani dr. Sp.KFR-K revealed that PPID at UNAIR has been established recently. This webinar was conducted so that the community could get to know PPID UNAIR as well as understand what public information could be provided and disseminated to the public.

Previously, on Thursday, February 25, 2021, PKIP held an internal meeting inviting information managers of directorates, units, agencies and institutions within UNAIR. It was attended by the Head of Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID) Universitas Airlangga Dr. Koko Srimulyo, Drs., M.Si. in the framework of introducing PPID UNAIR as well as collecting public information data, including information from finance, research, to Human Resources (HR) in UNAIR. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh