Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Towards sustainable campus, UNAIR achieves Top 15 Best Campuses in UI GreenMetric

UNAIR Management Office facing the lake at UNAIR Campus C. (Photo: Bastian Ragas)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) just made another remarkable achievement. Based on the UI GreenMetric 2020 ranking, UNAIR is among the 15 best Indonesian universities in terms of campus sustainability efforts.

There are six indicators for assessing the UI GreenMetric 2020: Land and Infrastructure Management, Energy and Climate Change, Waste Management, Water Management, Transportation, and Education and Research.

“This is the result of all of our hard work through coordinated efforts by Vice Rector IDI and the involvement of all faculties in UNAIR,” said Director of Logistics, Security, Order and Environment  Dr. Karnaji, S.Sos., M.Si in  response to the achievement on Saturday, May 8, 2021.

As one of the leading universities in Indonesia, UNAIR continues to pay attention to campus facilities and infrastructure. In line with it, UNAIR’s position in Green Metric shows a rapid improvement.

In 2016, UNAIR was ranked 493rd globally. Then in 2020 yesterday it reached 183rd. Meanwhile in Indonesia, UNAIR is in 15th position.

In this GreenMetric ranking, UNAIR’s score is high in terms of water management and transportation. Karnaji said, in this case, many changes have been made.

Among them are water conservation efforts to maintain the quantity and quality of groundwater, by saving as much as water into the ground. Apart from that, his division also provides a ready-to-drink water in each faculty.

Meanwhile, regarding transportation, Karnaji said that UNAIR has implemented a policy of reducing motorcycles. UNAIR Bus travel time between campuses is shortened. Furthermore, he also supports the use of electric bicycles in the campus environment.

Apart from the two indicators above, in terms of education and research, UNAIR’s score is very satisfying. “We direct 70 percent of research funds for SDG-based research topics. Besides that, we also have a lecture or webinar program with the themes of environmental sustainability, “he said.

However, UNAIR still needs to improve its indicators for waste management; energy and climate change; as well as land and infrastructure arrangements because the score obtained is quite low.

“This year we are targeting to enter the top 10 and position 5 according to the Rector’s direction. Of course this requires hard work from all parties, “he added.

According to Karnaji, GreenMetric is not only about green campuses, but also about the sustainability of nature, especially what is the role of the campus in taking part in the sustainability of nature.

He also emphasized that GreenMetric is not a goal. But through it, UNAIR is trying to save the sustainability of nature, especially in life on campus.

“Hopefully the good habits developed are maintained. It means that I hope that, in our daily actions, unconsciously, it is oriented to how nature becomes healthy, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Erika Eight Novanty

Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh