Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Faculty of Nursing Alumni Association established, ready to contribute

Ready to work. Head and Secretary of IKA FKp UNAIR for the period 2021-2026. (Photo: Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga (FKp UNAIR) has chosen new officials of Nursing Alumni Association (IKA) for the 2021-2026 period at 2nd Alumni Meeting II, Wednesday, May 19, 2021. The event held via Zoom Meeting was attended by dozens of FKp UNAIR alumni from various professions spread in Indonesian regions.

Prof. Dr. Ah Yusuf, S.Kp., M.Kes as Dean of FKp UNAIR said that the election of the new board was the beginning of an extraordinary dedication for the alma mater and the nation. The 11th professor of Nursing also said that IKA FKp UNAIR management from various regions will be formed and inaugurated by the PP (Central Management) IKA UNAIR. It was part of FKp UNAIR to make a real contribution to the civilization of the nation and state.

“The new members of IKA FKp UNAIR board elected are expected to make a real contribution to this nation and country,” he said.

During Dean’s recommendation dissemination event and the formation of the new board, Dr. M. Hasinuddin, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep received the most votes to serve as Head, and Dhian Satya Rachmawati, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep as secretary of the board. It was followed by the election of other officials and regional coordinators from Sumatra to Papua.

Regarding UNAIR’s mission to achieve the Top 300 world-class universities, in his remarks, Hasinuddin invited the contributions and participation of alumni to support this campaign. There are many reputable alumni like Dr. Abdul Aziz Alimul Hidayat, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kes as Vice Rector I of the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Sr. Reinarda Sri Winarni as Director of Nursing at RSK St. Vincentius A Paulo Surabaya, Jany Prihastuty as Director of Nursing at Premiere Hospital Surabaya, and other alumni who can support this effort of internationalization.

“Alumni must be able to provide a complete picture regarding the values FKp UNAIR have wherever they are, let’s contribute by upholding HEBAT and SMART University values that have been built in UNAIR,” he explained.

When asked about future alumni programs, Hasinuddin said that many programs will be carried out over the next five years. It is a form of real contribution to advancing the alma mater and working together to create a better FKp and UNAIR.

“We will carry out many programs to maintain the good name of the alma mater, by improving the performance and achievements of alumni in each institution, posting the achievements of UNAIR and alumni on their respective social media to increase the credibility of the institution, filling in the tracing of UNAIR alumni actively, conducting social services with UNAIR alumni affiliations, helping fellow UNAIR alumni in society and workplaces, supporting and being actively involved in improving UNAIR accreditation, expanding UNAIR alumni networks with the professional world, and many others, ” said the chairman of STIKES Ngudia Husada Madura.

Before closing the event, Hasinuddin said the alumni had to do a lot. One of the things that is very important is strengthening communication and networking through social media, both previous generations of alumni and alumni who have just finished their studies.

“We are very grateful that the alumni board election event received supports from the dean who was willing to attend directly and provide insights to the new board. We hope that the new alumni management can work together with faculty and university to improve their achievement. Let’s fight together to build the country through our professions and institutions, wherever we are, “he concluded.

UNAIR as one of the best universities in Indonesia always encourages alumni contributions to improve global competitiveness.

Author: Adelya Salsabila Putri

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia