
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

FEB Involves Alumni to Strengthen Student Capacity

UNAIR NEWS – There is a strong relation between Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Alumni Association Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) and the academicians. There were 300 alumni attending “Gala Dinner & Awards: Emerald Night of FEB UNAIR”.

Every party wants the closeness of alumni and academicians to be maintained. Dean of FEB UNAIR  Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia said that she wanted harmony between them.

“All of us, either alumni or academicians can unite and develop UNAIR. I expect them (alumbi, ed) know things they need to do,” said Prof. Dian.

To support UNAIR towards Top 500 World Class University, he encouraged alumni to contribute more. FEB UNAIR currently has a program which invites alumni to get back to campus and share their knowledge.

“We have ‘Alumni Back to Campus’ program. So, the alumni with achievements can share their knowledge. There are many things we expect from the cooperation,” said Dian.

The cooperation meant is to maximize academic activity such as internship placement for students, sharing field experience and other forms of cooperation.

“In order to produce ready-to-work graduates, so we can achieve higher score on employer reputation as well as produce quality graduates. If they have problems in the field they can discuss them with us (academicians,ed),” said Prof. Dian.

In response to Prof. Dian’s statement, IKAFE Deputy Djoko Santoso agreed to the Dean’s plan. “Actually, the idea of ‘Alumni Back to Campus’ was to give added value and strengthen students positioning. When they are to be graduated they will have two kinds of knowledge, one from the faculty and one from the shared experiences. So when they are in the professional world, either as entrepreneurs or professionals, they will not be surprised,” said Djoko. (*)

Author : Defrina Sukma S
Editor    : Binti Q. Masruroh