Universitas Airlangga Official Website

ABC Closes Semester Break with of Modern Farming Villages Socialization

Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Movement (PHBS) counseling and health checks during Serving and Teaching 2.0 organized by Airlangga Bojonegoro Community in Setren Village, Bojonegoro Regency on January 22. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – A series of Muleh Omah Project (MOP) activities organized by Airlangga Bojonegoro Community (ABC) was closed with community service in Setren Village, Ngasem District, Bojonegoro Regency. The activity entitled Serving and Teaching 2.0 was carried out from January 21-24.

The activity was organized by 45 students of ABC Department Community Service UNAIR. According to Bambang Tri Sutresno as Head of Serving and Teaching 2.0 activities aimed in realizing Tri Dharma Higher Education value and spreading benefits to remote communities.

“We were provided with a place to stay for three days and welcomed by the residents, “said the student of Economics Development.

The event invited the youth of Setren Village to bring up the spirit of entrepreneurship with the surrounding agricultural groups. Thus, it can improve the standard of living of villagers, open employment and business opportunities independently.

“We are here to hold counseling on shallot cultivation, farming in a modern way and maximize the potential in their area,” Bambang said.

Furthermore, Bambang said Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Movement (PHBS) which had to be continually improved, such as the use of toilet wash baths (MCK), healthy food and environmentally friendly living arrangements.

“We only provide for 42 people, but there were up to 60 participants in attendance. It proves that Setren Village residents can apply Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Movement (PHBS) in their daily lives, “he answered.

PHBS movement campaign is also followed with free health check and socialization about diseases that are easily transmitted to people. In the end, there was a distribution of free food to the local community.

Other activities in Serving and Teaching 2.0 are teaching in schools in Setren Village and providing entertainment for children and mothers.

“Hopefully, the program will continue and grow along to develop the village to be independent,” Bambang concluded. (*)

Author: Febrian Tito Zakaria Muchtar

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh