UNAIR NEWS – Togetherness is an important element in managing higher education. It is well understood by Dean of FISIP Dr. Falih Suaedi, Drs., M.Si. Therefore, he tries best to maintain ‘addressing’ concept initiated by the late Prof Soetandyo Wignjosoebroto. The official born in Bojonegoro was even determined to reinforce the perspective.
One application of the concept is by organizing classes which can be managed together with various seven departments in FISIP. For example there is a supporting course determined for International relations and Politics students. There is also a course for State Administration and Anthropology. An so on with concept of inter-disciplinary lectures.
“Through the program, quality and togetherness in FISIP will be stronger,” said Falih met last Friday, July 15.
The logic is a student of a certain department will know the lecture components of other departments. So their knowledge and insight will be improved. Problems in life or at work are various so exclusivity of one discipline will only be an obstacle as challenges’ complexity is getting more complicated.
Furthermore, “Addressing” concept makes lecturers and students with different backgrounds can form synergy as they often meet and collaborate. This way, FISIP will be one strong unity. “In some universities, there are faculties which their departments even become small kingdoms, compartmentalized. This exclusivity does not happen in FISIP UNAIR,” said Falih. (*)
Author: Rio F. Rachman