Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Alfa Zuma Era becomes VetPreneur through BidibongPetshop

Alfa Zuma Era, FKH student who is active in entrepreneurship. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Starting a business since college is one of the goals of Alfa Zuma Era, a student of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga. His business, “BidibongPetshop”, focuses on adopting various exotic animals, including mammals, reptiles and various birds.

He looks after various types of mammals such as ferrets, sugar gliders, squirrels and birds. BidibongPetshop also provides docile and safe reptiles so ordinary people can look after it. In addition to animal adoption, it also provides consulting services for people who want to know more how to raise exotic animals.

To UNAIR NEWS, the student known as Kak Aze said that his business started from his hobby of raising exotic animals. “My friend and I initially raised sugar gliders and birds, the animals that we look after continue to breed until my pet collection continue to grow,” said Aze.

“My motivation to open this business is to get my daily needs,” he said.

He also said that he needs a lot of money to look after and feed his exotic animal collections. Broadly speaking, the form of marketing efforts done by this class 2016 student is through technology commonly used by most people today, online and social media. Furthermore, his friends also play a role in business marketing by spreading information about BidibongPetshop.

Asked about the ups and downs of the business, Aze said that obstacle he often face is the disease that affect the selling price. People are also often interested in certain seasonal animals.

As a student, his study is still his primary concern. We find time to provide food, clean the cage in between of his classes.

“Being a student, learning is certainly a necessity that should not be ignored, but it will be a loss if your view of learning is limited only from lectures,” he concluded.

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan