UNAIR NEWS – We cannot deny that appearance and attitude are factors for a company in recruiting an employee. Therefore, those two things must be considered before entering the professional world.
Recognizing the importance of students to present themselves, the Community of interest and talent (Komikat) Self Development and Personality (Munwa Pribadi) Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi held Beauty Class and Hijab Class with Sophie, Saturday, March 24.
Evi Lutfiani, one of Munwa Pribadi’s Committee members, said that not only do they look good, students also have a good personality as the motto of UNAIR, Excellence with Morality.
“We accommodate the talents of students who love fashion, protocols, public speaking, and attitude development, both in the field of modeling, events, and the professional world,” said Evi.
The community that has been standing for 3 years, often win fashion events in Banyuwangi, such as Second Place of Recycle Fashion Week 2016, Second Winner of Health Ambassador Banyuwangi 2017, Second Winner Jebeng Banyuwangi 2015, Top 10 Big Thulik Banyuwangi 2016, and many others.
Beauty Class and Hijab Class sponsored directly by Sophie Paris were attended by over 40 students. The instructor was Tanti W. Lestari one of Sophie Paris owner in Banyuwangi.
Head of Munwa Pribadi community PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi M. Reynaldy Thoriq Al Islami said Beauty Class and Hijab Class this time invited students to know fashion in the world of work, how to look attractive and smart.
“It is undeniable that nowadays appearance has become one of the factors when entering the world of work, appearance and attitude are both developed gradually in this Munwa Probadi community,” said Reynaldy.
The supervisor of Munwa Pribadi, M.Faizal Ulkhaq S.Pi., M.Si. supports positive activities undertaken by students. He supports the development of student academic achievement, as well as non-academic. Munwa Pribadi Community is one of the contributors to many non-academic achievements in PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi. (*)
Author: Siti Mufaida
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh