Universitas Airlangga Official Website

BEM FKG distributes aid to communities affected by Covid-19

Aid distribution to affected community. (Photo: committee)
Aid distribution to affected community. (Photo: committee)

UNAIR NEWS – “Life is very beautiful, as beautiful when we can share with others sincerely,” said Rafly Zauko as the person in charge of Dentinar FKG UNAIR 2020 donation activities. Student Executive Board (BEM) FKG through its community service has distributed food and safety kits aid for Covid-19 affected communities in Surabaya.

According to Rafly, the activity was held on July 12 and 18, 2020. The distribution was carried out at three different points, TPS (trash disposal site) Bratang, TPS Purimas, and Jagir riverbanks.

“At that time we (BEM FKG, ed) held an online seminar and participants may donate. We are happy because many students and alumni participated, “he said on Saturday, July 18, 2020.

In fact, continued Rafly, the seminar was about the condition of dentists during the pandemic and the importance of self-branding. It also invited fellow students to participate and donate. After the 2020 Dentinar was successfully carried out, BEM FKG UNAIR distributed the donations to the poor and the small and medium-sized enterprises (UMKM) affected by Covid-19 in Surabaya.

“The initial target was for FKG UMKM canteen workers who had lost their jobs since mid-March. Then we distribute the food, masks and hand sanitizers to residents in three places, “he said.

Distribution activities were also carried out as a form of concern and sympathy of students amid pandemic. Although it cannot be done routinely, but hopefully the activity can be a motivation to share and help.

The activity has distributed 931 aid packages. Hopefully in the future they can carry out similar activities and expand their reach.

Meanwhile, Achmad Chasina Aula as Head of BEM FKG UNAIR said that he really appreciated the work of his colleagues. He hopes that the spirit of sharing can be a blessing.

“Although the pandemic is still ongoing, the enthusiasm of BEM FKG colleagues is extraordinary. Hopefully the sharing activities will not stop here, but in the future we can carry out more, “said Sina.

Sina advised to continue sharing as it is not only about the material, but also with knowledge and action, and do it sincerely. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i