Universitas Airlangga Official Website

BEM UNAIR conducts discussion with Indonesian President’s special staff

The discussion speakers, Two from the left: Rendra Bagas, Aminudin Ma’ruf, and Student Director Dr. M. Hadi Subhan in Kahuripan Room 301 UNAIR. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Give me 1000 parents so they will pull Semeru mountain until the roots, but if you give me 10 teenagers, they will shake the world. One of the quotes from the First President of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno until this moment still encourage students to work and develop Indonesia.

Student Executive Board (BEM) of Universitas Airlangga held DIPERGERAK discussion: Casual Chat with Millennial by inviting three speakers. They were Director of Student Affairs UNAIR Dr. M. Hadi Subhan, Deputy Chairperson of East Java Youth Organization Nur Rendra Bagas, and Aminudin Ma’ruf, one of Special Staff of President of Indonesia

The discussion with the theme ” Mahasiswa Hari Ini dan Indonesia 2045″ was held in Kahuripan Room 301 Campus C UNAIR on Friday, January 31. Various elements of students were also present in the discussion.

Aminudin Ma’ruf, as one of president special staff, social activist, and businessman in Tuban and Lamongan said that students should be involved in politics, but not too aggressive in entering politics. “When it comes to politics, you should not be aggressive,” he said.

Amin conveyed that one of the challenges in Indonesia is the intolerance level in society is very high; even the educated class also included in facing this challenge.

“Strange right?  Educated people should be tolerant, but it’s not right ? “he explained.

Amin and his colleagues are preparing HAB team, one of the country’s projects for young people like Sillicon Valley in Papua, whose name is Papua Creative Center. The project is a place for business consultation and discussion.

“Thus, there will be a focus group discussion to understand the direction as well. The discussion will give a good impact on the community, and they can have consultation related to problems. For example, if you want to do business, then we will help by providing experts, “he explained.

Amin advised the students should expand their network, don’t be confused after graduating from university, and he emphasized that idea is the most important thing.

“When you graduate, you shouldn’t depend on the government. You should have an outstanding idea, and it must be realized, “he said.  

Author: Dimar Herfano

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh