UNAIR NEWS – About eighty students from SMA PGRI 1 Sidoarjo with the headmaster and teachers visited UNAIR on Wednesday February 3. The visiting group was welcomed by a staff of Information and Public Relations Center (PIH) and Student Admission Center (PPMB) in Student Center Hall, Campus C UNAIR.
“We do this campus visit in order to know more about UNAIR, which is the best campus undoubtedly,” Nur Rohmat, the headmaster of SMA PGRI 1 Sidoarjo said in the opening address.
Getting more information about UNAIR and student admission, students and teachers showed their enthusiasm. They inquired many things related to UNAIR student admission.
“I want to study at Vocation, but due to financial shortages, is it possible to study and work at the same time?” Deni Adi, a student asked. PPMB staff then explained that UNAIR do not forbid such thing as long as it does not disrupt the study. Moreover, PPMB also said that the Government or UNAIR offer a lot of scholarships so financial problems will not be issues to continue study.
Similar with Adi, some students’ enthusiasms clearly shown but they were a little hesitant on their future study. But at least being admitted in UNAIR was their hope, Ratna Apriyani and Erika Gabriella told their stories.
“Sidoarjo is quite far from UNAIR, my father said if I study here, there will be a lot of money spent for transportation and allowance. But if I am asked if I want to study here, of course I do,” Ratna said. She thinks that UNAIR is one of the best campuses, moreover there are so many student clubs which attract her in some way.
Similar with Ratna, Gabriella also wants to continue her study at UNAIR. She said she sill try hard through SBMPTN.
“I will try hard to get into UNAIR. I’m happy because finally I can visit UNAIR. The buildings are huge, the facilities are complete and so many student activities here,” said the girl who wants to go to UNAIR Biology.
Author: Yeano Andhika