UNAIR NEWS – From a concern to humanity, Department of Community Service of BEM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) held a blood donation and health check event. It was held on Tuesday, March 6 in Fajar Notonegoro Hall, bringing the new spirit of One Drop One Hope . That is, every drop of donated blood will bring hope to others.
“This activity is an incredibly dedicated humanity activity. Let’s all academicians from bachelor’s to doctoral degrees contribute and hopefully this activity will continue, “said Dr. Rudi Purwono, Vice Dean I FEB.
Diana as the head of the event said that this activity was held in collaboration with the Red Cross Indonesia (PMI) and Rumah Zakat. She was grateful to all parties for the implementation of the routine activities that will be held four times in one stewardship.
Since it was opened at 08:00 until 14:00, there were about 300 participants from students and academicians of FEB UNAIR donating their blood. Prospective donors must meet the requirements to donate their blood. They should be healthy, with at least 50 kg of weight for blood taking 350 cc, normal blood pressure, Hb levels greater than 12.5 g / dl, not alcoholics, no tattoos, no history of serious illness, and not pregnant.
Blood donors get various benefits for the health of the body such as protecting the heart, reducing the risk of cancer, preventing premature aging, improving blood circulation, to lowering cholesterol.
Beside blood donation, the participants can check their blood sugar and uric acid at Rumah Zakat booth. Officers from Rumah Zakat did not hesitate to provide input to maintain the diet for health.
While waiting for their turns, the participants were not bored. They were entertained by live acoustic performance from Macoustic, an acoustical group from a Management program student.
After the blood donation, participants got various parcels from PMI and the committee as a form of appreciation. Not only that, the committee also gave door prize for the lucky donors. (*)
Author: Siti Nur Umami
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh