UNAIR NEWS – Program Pascasarjana Kajian Sastra dan Budaya (KSB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) pada selasa (30/8/2022) hingga Rabu (31/8/2022) menggelar program pengabdian masyarakat berbasis pelaihan menulis di Dusun Wanamerta, Desa Tosari, Kecamatan Tosari, Pasuruan. Acara ini tidak hanya dihadiri oleh pemuda lokal saja, tetapi juga turut mengundang mahasiswa asing.
Bromo Writing Camp 2022 merupakan salah satu program pengabdian masyarakat dari KSB Universitas Airlangga dalam bentuk workshop dan pendampinganyang terbagi menjadi dua sesi acara selama kegiatan. workshop ini menghadirkan Narasumber utama workshop terdiri dari pakar wayang dan pakar menulis kreatif dari Universitas Airlangga. Tahap pertama workshop diisi oleh dosen Universitas Airlangga dan tahap kedua disampaikan oleh tokoh masyarakat asli Tengger dan seorang dalang. Workshop ini dihadiri sebanyak 21 peserta yang terdiri dari 7 orang anggota mitra Komunitas Sastra Wayang Sarip Sidoarjo, 4 mahasiswa asing, dan 10 pemuda lokal yang berasal dari berbagai instansi, universitas, dan komunitas non-mitra.
Selain mengandung kisah yang penuh pembelajaran dan kepahlawanan, Seni wayang kulit juga memiliki keunikan tersendiri karena siapa pun yang bersentuhan dengannya akan jatuh cinta atau kagum ketika mereka mendalami nilai filosofis dari kesenian ini. Tak heran jika mahasiswa asing sangat antusias saat mengikuti seluruh rangkaian workshop ini. Fariha mengungkapkan kesan selama mengikuti kegiatan positif “We also learnt about wayang stories and traditions. These stories are really mesmerising and wonderful. The stories of wayang are full of wisdom and life lessons. While listening to the traditions and cultures of wayang we were feeling that we are listening to a fairy tale. The overall workshop was very fruitful and informative. Along with learning we also enjoyed a lot.”
“The program was great. I enjoyed all its steps. First, we were guided to write story script. Second, to write our full short story. Third, we were invited to Bromo. In Bromo, there were lecturers to revise our story and to tell us about its strengths and weaknesses. In addition, they give us useful tips for writing story. After that, we meet with some locals and finally we visited Bromo and see its sunrise. I enjoyed and learned from that program a lot.” Tambah Mohammed Mareai, mahasiswa asing yang berasal dari Yaman.
Rangkaian program yang berlangsung memberikan kesan positif dari seluruh mahasiswa asing, mereka sangat bersyukur dapat menjadi bagian dari program ini. Menurut Zhang Lirong ini adalah pengalaman pertama mengikuti lomba menulis cerpen indonesia dengan tema kesenian yang ada di Indonesia. Sebelumnya dia hanya mengetahui wayang secara konseptual saja. “By attending this workshop, I gained a lot of deeper knowledge about Wayang Indo during the discussion session of each participant’s script with the lecturers. As a student who has lived a college life by studying Indo for 4 years in China and 3 years at Airlangga University, my views and knowledge about Indonesia are still very limited, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. I am very grateful to the committee for giving me the opportunity to take part in offline events to explore new information about Wayang which is one of the Indonesian cultural arts and the cultural diversity of Indonesian ethnic groups.” ujar mahasiswa asing pascasarjana KSB UNAIR yang berasal dari China.
Lokasi workshop yang terletak di daerah Tengger Gunung Bromo mampu membuat para peserta merasa sangat terkesan dengan keindahan alam dan pesona budaya yang ditawarkan. “It was a place that I have always seen and observe in stories and novels. The sights, the sceneries, the sounds, the fragrance, the tastes were out of this world. The mountains were touching the line of the blue and white sky. I could smell the fragrance in the air and the music of the meadows that echoed in my ears. The meadows were like the lost parts of the heaven. The lifestyle of people were so simple and easy. The were living in harmony and peace. You will never experience any fight or and clashes among the citizens. We also visited Mount Bromo. The sun rising spot in mount Bromo is unforgettable and uncomparable to any beauty of the world. When the darkness of the night was vanishing by the powerful sun, it was giving us a lesson that after each sadness there is a mountain of happiness.” ungkap Fariha, mahasiswa asing yang berasal dari pakistan.
Penulis: Aidatul Fitriyah