UNAIR Delegation Visits Career Fair in Singapore
This visit was to know jobs expectation of multinational companies and to conduct a comparative study.
This visit was to know jobs expectation of multinational companies and to conduct a comparative study.
Rektor UNAIR Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA. berulang kali menyisipkan humor dalam presentasinya.
Proses Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) tahun 2016 tengah berlangsung.
There was friendly atmosphere with laughter during the activity.
Program pelatihan bertajuk Revolusi Mental Dental Entrepreneurship digelar oleh Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi (FKG) UNAIR Rabu (3/2).
Prof Dr. M. Nasih, UNAIR Rector, stated that for SNMPTN 2016, the applicants were based on the school accreditation.
Langkah untuk menuju kampus kelas dunia yang dilakukan UNAIR semakin nyata.
Three speakers shared their experiences and their views on the importance of mental revolution and transformation.
It was attended by 45 teaching staffs from all faculties in UNAIR.
Similar geographic characteristics with Brazil and other South American countries can be a factor of viral infection.
Kesamaan geografis Indonesia dengan Brasil dan negara-negara Amerika Latin yang saat ini tengah menghadapi wabah virus Zika yaitu sama-sama negara tropis menjadi salah satu penyebab mengapa virus ini berpotensi menjangkiti penduduk Indonesia.
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