Maintaining Body Weight Tips After Eid al-Fitr from Campus Ambassador PSDKU 2019
UNAIR NEWS – Eid al-Fitr is a moment to be together with family and relatives. Usually, everyone always served a variety of food in each
UNAIR NEWS – Eid al-Fitr is a moment to be together with family and relatives. Usually, everyone always served a variety of food in each
UNAIR NEWS – In millennial era, students are required to have many ideas. Not only those related to the field of study, but also other
UNAIR NEWS – The visitation of Student Executive Board (BEM) to Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) UNAIR Banyuwangi seems to be a routine agenda
UNAIR NEWS – The holy Ramadhan is full of blessings and rewards for Muslims as any worship activities performed will be rewarded more than usual.
UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR Shares donation is a form of synergy between Department of Social Affairs of Student Family and Department / Division of Community Service
UNAIR NEWS – Ramadan was enlivened with joy by Accounting Association Study Program Off Main Campus (HMA PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi. During this blessed
UNAIR NEWS – Educational Accounting Association (HMA) Off Main Campus (PDSKU) Universitas Airlangga held 2019 Accounting business Plan Competition (ABC) last week. Located at Minak
UNAIR NEWS – Student Executive Board (BEM) of Universitas Airlangga established the relation with Student Family Study Program Off Main Campus (KM PSDKU) of Universitas
UNAIR NEWS – Veterinary Medicine Student Association (HMKH) Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in Banyuwangi launched a breakthrough. On May
The activity took place at B201 lecture hall on Saturday last week. In addition, Head of PB
IMAKAHI in 2019-2020 period, Arindraka Pratama Student of FKH Universitas Wijaya
Kusuma attended the visitation.
Every year on May 23 is celebrated as world turtle day. The commemoration is intended as an effort to increase world community awareness of the importance of turtle conservation for the marine ecosystem.
He believes that students are required to perform well in those three things, in accordance with Tri Dharma of Higher Education, so if one element does not go well, the student is deemed less successful.