
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Celebrating 32nd Anniversary, UNAIR Scouting Target International Achievements

UNAIR NEWS – Scouting Student Activity Unit (UKM) celebrated its 32nd anniversary on Saturday, February 24. A modern and futuristic celebration was held at the Office of Management Floor 1, Campus C, Universitas Airlangga. It marked maturity of UNAIR UKM that stood on 22 February 1985.

The event began at 18:30 was opened directly by the Head of Scouting club 2018 Ayu Lestari. Deni Yasmara, S. Kep. Ns., As a representative of UNAIR Student Affairs congratulated the UKM by expressing a bit of his views on the UKM.

“I am a representative from Student Affairs to congratulate the 32nd anniversary for Scouting Club. This UKM annually reflects the freshmen at UNAIR that show their quality. Hopefully this year and next years it will be better, “he said.

Deni also conveyed the hope for Scouting UKM UNAIR to keep making achievements in the future. In addition, Scouting UKM should not only be a pride in East Java, but national or even international.

“I challenge Scouting UKM to go international. Representatives of 5-10 people should go abroad, to the United States. They will gain more insight and good reputation for UNAIR, especially Scouting UKM, “said Deni.

2018 Scouting Anniversary (Photo: Hilmi Putra Pradana)

The series of events on the Scouting Anniversary was opened by tumpeng rice slicing and various skills were shown by members of UKM from acoustic to modern dance performance.

“Excitement was reflected from the many guests. Representatives of 10 November Institute of Technology (ITS), Brawijaya University (UB), Diponegoro University (Undip), Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM), and Widya Dharma Klaten University were also present, “said Ardiana Ilham Nurrohman, a member of Scouting UKM.

Ilham revealed that local working council, branch work council, unit builder, head of the front group, and alumni were also invited. The goal was to make the celebration merrier in 2018 Scouting UKM anniversary. Hopes and prayers were sent for the event.

“We hope we can be more useful and up to dateMaking achievements at national and international arena, “said Ilham. (*)


Author: Hilmi Putra Pradana

Editor: Feri Fenoria