UNAIR NEWS – Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Proyeksi dan Asumsi Dasar Ekonomi Makro APBN-P 2016 dan Pokok-Pokok Kebijakan Fiskal Tahun 2016 (APBN-P 2016 Macro Economy Projection and Basic Assumption and Fiscal Policy Fundamentals 2016 was held in third floor meeting room of UNAIR Office Management Building on Thursday Morning, February 18. It was held by Budget Office DPD RI, Provincial Government, and UNAIR and attended by some elements of the society especially academicians and bureaucrats from Regional Government (Pemda).
In his speech, UNAIR Rector Prof Moch Nasih expressed his appreciation on DPD and Provincial Government to let UNAIR hosted the meeting. Prof. Nasih also stated his general view on national budget related to campus and Pemda.
The professor of FIB viewed that adjustments were needed on central government’s budget for regional government (Pemda) and for campus. All this time, Pemda’s budget was not absorbed optimally. On the other hand, campus was low on budget to develop education especially when the tuition fee was already regulated.
“Basic economic assumption becomes important as adjustments are. Universities are under the ministry, communication should be integrated in the central government,” he said.
Prof Nasih revealed that this year there was reduction in Higher Education (Dikti) budget. If last year, the budget was Rp 44 trillion, this year was only Rp 38 trillion. Why did it happen? It was allocated to the Ministry of Education and Culture for building infrastructures of primary schools and secondary schools.
The next question was, why did infrastructures building have to use the Ministry fund? Ehen, all this time Pemda has also received fund from the central government. “Actually, infrastructures can use funds allocated for Pemda,” Prof. Nasih said.
Suitability and budget integrated pattern accommodating campus and Pemda needs in details will benefit all parties. Campus can get enough funds and Pemda can maximize the absorption by allocating it to school infrastructures.(*)
Author: Rio F. Rachman