Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Choose Career in Disruption Era through Airlangga Millennial Summit

One of the speakers, Ignatia Anindita, speaks about self-potentials in Excellence with Morality Hall in Faculty of Psychology. (Photo: Sukma Cindra)

UNAIR NEWS – To find a passion and choose a career in the millennial era is not easy. The endless flow of information and the number of options sometimes make the younger generation even more confused in making decisions. It inspired 2019 Airlangga Millennial Summit.

Initiated by some psychology students and members of feelgood.co, the event presented various successful speakers in their fields. Being held on Saturday, May 25, 2019, the event succeeded in attracting the attention of students.

“Initially, we were able to find an idea to hold this event because we see the current situation. In this disruption era, everything changes rapidly. So, we want to help students, especially ahead of their graduation, to determine their career and maximize their potential, ” explained I Dewa Gede Bintang Suntaka, Director of feelgood.co.

This event is divided into several sessions with different speakers. The speakers came from various companies with diverse backgrounds. The event was begun with a sharing session with students who are currently undergoing internships in several companies. Next, participants were divided into two different rooms where they get materials related to their potentials.

“After that, the participants were gathered in the hall to get seminars related to their potential in the global era,” said Bintang.

Bintang said the participants showed great enthusiasm throughout the event, especially at the sharing session, many students asked questions related to the topics.

“The participants were very enthusiastic. Many asked about how to find potential and maximize it, “said Bintang.

Not only Airlangga Millennium Summit, but Bintang also said, if they are given the opportunity, he and his colleagues at feelgood.co are ready to hold similar events in the future. He felt that this kind of events offers excellent benefits to students. He hoped the participants could recognize their potential better and be able to maximize it. (*)

Author: Sukma Cindra

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh