Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Collaboration Becomes an Important Component Towards World Class University

UNAIR NEWS – In order to prepare university for 500 World Class University (WCU),  Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an international workshop on Tuesday, July 23. The workshop entitled “French-Indonesia Cooperation in Professional Education in International Exchanges” took place at Building Management Campus B UNAIR.

The international workshop was attended by representatives from Le Havre Normandie University France, namely the Director of Masters in International Management and Trade Dr. Dervish Khudori and Vice President of University of Le Havre Normandie Michael Hauchecorne. Furthermore, there were Vice Rector III, Prof. Ir. Moch. Amin Alamsjah, M.Si., Ph.D., Director of UNAIR Master of Management Dr. Gancar Chandra Premananto SE., M.Si., and Dean of Faculty of Humanities Diah Ariani Arimbi, Ph.D from  Universitas Airlangga.

In the international workshop, Prof. Ir. Moch. Amin Alamsjah had the opportunity to give a speech. In his speech, UNAIR is at 651 world university rankings based on QS (Quacquarelli Symonds).

“UNAIR commits to be one of 500 best universities in the world by 2020. I hope that all division under the university can make the best contribution to achieve this target,” he said.

Prof. Amin said UNAIR would continue to expand its network with many universities around the world. UNAIR will accept international students and scholars and send students and lecturers to all corners of the world.

“Collaboration is an essential component for us to move forward to face the global challenges of becoming a world-class university. I hope our collaboration can be directed towards strengthening, especially in research and community service, “he concluded.

Meanwhile, Dr. Gancar Chandra Premananto SE., M.Sc. said that six students from Université Le Havre Normandie France were interning in Surabaya. At the end of the study period, UNAIR will make the event for the six international students through an international workshop.

“We provide the opportunity for the six students to present the results of their experiences and research on how people in Indonesia or Surabaya,” he said.

Dr. Gancar hopes that the collaboration between France will open cooperation globally. The Master of Management study program has a double degree that will make collaboration more real for e-learning.

“Hopefully, we can create more concreate programs for UNAIR. Especially, for Faculty of Economics and Business and Faculty of Humanities to further show its position in the international realm,” he explained. (*)

Author: Sandi Prabowo

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia