Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Collaboration of Garuda Sakti and UNAIR Banyuwangi student association to make more achievements

Representatives of Garuda Sakti and Hima from each faculty after a discussion related to student achievement improvement. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Garuda Sakti (GS) is a science organization at PSDKU Airlangga University in Banyuwangi. The main purpose of the organization is to improve student achievements, both in academic and non-academic fields.

In order to achieve this goal, GS held a Science Forum with all student associations in at PSDKU on Friday, February 14. Being held in Room A101 of UNAIR PSDKU Campus in Banyuwangi, the forum discussed various things about student achievements, from the role of students who contribute to the competition, the selection of mawapres (high achieving students), and the creation of PKM (student creativity program).

During the meeting, Garuda Sakti (GS) Coordinator, Arum Pratiwi explained the science forum was a forum to discuss efforts to improve student achievement and facilitate students who wanted to be involved in the academic field.

“GS and Hima (student association) will collaborate to improve student achievements, because it can affect campus development,” said Arum.

In the forum, Arum also explained the form of collaboration that would be carried out, starting from the selection process for outstanding students from each student association, sharing information about the competition, monitoring student achievements, and improving student creativity programs.

“This agenda is held to discuss efforts to improve student achievements, in addition to discussing the constraints of each particular category of science in improving student achievement,” she said.

The result of holding the science forum, she continued, GS and student associations would cooperate and share assignments to improve student achievements. Each student association, she continued, will focus on each other’s knowledge and GS will facilitate in general and become a liaison with UNAIR Surabaya.

“Hopefully through this science forum, cooperation between Hima and Garuda Sakti will be well established so they can continue to work together in improving student achievements both internally and externally, and bring a positive impact on UNAIR PSDKU campus in Banyuwangi, ” she concluded.

Author: Desi Natalia

Editor: Nuri Hermawan