
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Communication Students Encourage Elementary Students to Tell Stories

UNAIR NEWS – One way to stimulate imagination of a child is by reading them stories. From the stories, children can enjoy the illustrations and funny gestures, listen to the voice acting the characters, laugh and get the moral values of the stories.

For its 28th Anniversary, Department of Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Airlangga held series of events. One of them which involved public participation especially elementary students was Communication Social Responsibility (Commcar). The event’s theme this year was ‘Berbagi Ilmu melalui Dongeng untuk Anak Negeri’ (Sharing knowledge through Stories for Children).

“For this event, we as the committee presented three stories for the elementary students. From the stories, hopefully, they will be able to make their own stories. We’ll teach them to how to write those interesting stories,” said Dwinita Ayuni Larasati, the supervisor of Commcar event.

In a week, there were two venues of the event, They are SD Al Falah on March 15 and 24, 2016, and Sekolah Kreatif SD Muhammadiyah 16 on March 18 and 24, 2016. The students for the participants were from Class 5.

As planned, Commcar teams will present all those three stories in each school. To present the stories, they have been practicing regularly from memorizing the scripts to training vocalization. Currently, they are preparing the properties for the stage act. They were even trained by Future Leader for Anti-Corruption (FLAC) Indonesia.

Later on, the committee will publish two story-books written by students of the schools after being trained. “Their works will be scanned and published so other children can enjoy their stories. Children will know more stories instead of knowing Cinderella only. We want to promote stories of Surabaya’s students too. These are works of SD Al Falah and Muhammadiyah’s students. Their stories can be downloaded free,” elaborated Atikah Ayu Taqiyyah in Commcar committee. (*)

Author: Defrina Sukma S
Editor: Rio F. Rachman

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