Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Concern for environment, Banyuwangi UNAIR Students holds “Beach Clean Up”

Students involved in "Beach Clean Up" activity. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Plastic waste is an environmental problem faced by the people of Indonesia and the world. The plastic waste threatens the life of marine and land ecosystems. Nowadays, more environmental actions are intensively carried out by various communities as an effort to overcome global warming.

Some UNAIR Banyuwangi students also held an action in this semester’s break. One of them was Melan Argarini, UNAIR Accounting student who serves as the Head of YOT (Young on Top) Banyuwangi. To UNAIR NEWS, she explained that the “Beach Clean Up” volunteer activity was held by YOT Banyuwangi x KOMPAS.

“Beach Clean Up is an environmental action that aims to educate the public to be more concerned about the environment through cleaning and counseling activities,” she explained.

The activity was carried out for two days on 18 and 19 January 2020 in Muncar, Banyuwangi. On the first day, a counseling event was held regarding integrated waste management in TPST Tembokrejo Village Muncar.

“On the first day, sharing and discussion was held with Stop Ocean Plastic and a visit to the local TPST to learn how to process waste to make it more economical, one of which was composting and cultivation of maggot,” said Melan. “The results of the Maggot cultivation will be used as catfish and bird feed,” she continued.

The second day, the activity continued with the environmental clean-up action at Kalimoro Muncar Beach. Melan said that the “Beach Clean Up” activity was YOT Banyuwangi’s first activity in cleaning the beach and it ran quite lively.

Alhamdulillah, the activity went well beyond expectations. 300 more volunteers participated in this activity. They were also very enthusiastic so that the event can run smoothly, “said Melan.

Furthermore, Melan said, the activity was supported by Stop Ocean Plastic and the local village government. Volunteer participants also came from various parties such as youth clubs, Ansor youths, lemuru cadres, sponsors, and youths who registered through online registration.

” I hope that volunteers who have participated in Beach Clean Up activities will later be more aware of the importance in protecting the environment by not littering, treating personal waste in their homes, and making people concern with the cleanliness of the environment around them, “concluded Melan. (*)

Author: Dewi Masluqiyah

Editor: Nuri Hermawan