UNAIR NEWS – Diabetes mellitus or commonly known as diabetes is a non-communicable disease which is becoming a serious threat to global health, including in Indonesia. In 2017 diabetics in Indonesia reach 11 million people and are expected to increase up to 17 million by 2045. This disease can cause various complications, such as diabetic ulcer or foot injury that is difficult to heal. This diabetic ulcer often causes amputation to diabetics.
This data inspired three students from Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Fakhriyah Dinina (class 2017), Filzah Firzanah Ramadhanti (class 2017), and Salsa Lina Agustin (class 2017) to make an innovation by using country almond (ketapang) leaves as ointment for diabetic ulcer solution. The research entitled “Identification of Ethanol Extract Ointment from Ketapang Leaves as Solution for Diabetic Ulcers” managed to get funding from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in the field of exacta research.
Fakhriyah as the team leader said that country almond was chosen for this study because flavonoids, tannins, and saponins contained in the leaves have potential to heal wounds.
“Moreover, ketapang often found as shade plants are not well utilized by the community,” she explained.
In its practice, Fakhriyah and her team processed ketapang leaves into extract and then processed them into ointment. The ointment was tested on 18 mice with diabetes. Furthermore, the results were then compared to the healing treatment with drugs commonly found in the market.
“As a result, the ointment of ketapang leaf extract can accelerate the healing of mice wounds compared to drugs on the market,” she stated.
Author: PKM-PE Ketapang Leaf Ethanol Extract Ointment Editor: Nuri Hermawan