Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Creating SAKECY Food Business Innovation, UNAIR Team Wins Second Place in Business Plan Competition

ABDURRAHMAN Aziz, Aulia Citra, and Daniyal Firmansyah during the Business Plan competition awarding session. (Photo: Laurensia)
ABDURRAHMAN Aziz, Aulia Citra, and Daniyal Firmansyah during the Business Plan competition awarding session. (Photo: Laurensia)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Team with members Abdurrahman Aziz (Management 2017), Aulia Citra Cahyani (Management of Vocational Marketing 2018), and Daniyal Firmansyah (Traditional Vocational Medicine 2018) won as second-place winner in Business Plan “Womenpreneur” competition held by the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment of BEM UNAIR on Sunday, September 22. In the competition, UNAIR team had to compete with competitors from various well-known universities. They brought a business innovation called SAKECY that elevate local cuisine brands in millennial packaging.

“We got the idea because of the anxiety arising from the lack of interest in the young generation’s local cuisine. They mostly prefer western-style food and fast food,” said Aziz as the founder of SAKECY with Aulia.

“Besides, our brand is also trying to raise Madura cuisine with various spices such as red chili, green chile, onion, and so on,” Aulia said in a presentation session in the Lecture Room of Faculty of Public Health ( FKM) UNAIR.

Moreover, it became the plus point of business innovation for Aziz and his. Besides, they try to include the nutritional value of each product.

“Our brand is already available on several delivery platforms such as Grab and Go-Jek. We can reach more than 14 million per month,” said Aziz.

In developing SAKECY business, they faced several obstacles such as human resources, difficulty in researching nutritional value, and finding investors in business development. “However, we always hope that we can develop this business not only in Surabaya but other areas,” Aziz said.

The awarding session of Business Plan competition was held with a national seminar and talk show attended by Dr. Irmadita Citrashanty, Sp.KK as CEO of PT Aiola, Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE., M.Si as PPKK UNAIR entrepreneurship coordinator, and Neida Aleida as the founder of Fried Funk business and vocalist of HIVI. (*)

Author: Intang Arifia

Editor: Feri Fenoria