Universitas Airlangga Official Website

December Graduation, Rector: All graduates must continue to learn and be sensitive for the advancement of nation

Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih, S.E., M.T., Ak., CMA delivers his speech in front of the graduates on Saturday, December 5, 2020. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – In the first week of December 2020, Universitas Airlangga graduated 2,688 students to serve in society. The graduation ceremony taking place on Saturday, December 5, 2020 was conducted solemnly and streamed live through Youtube channel Universitas Airlangga.

In his speech, Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih, S.E., M.T., Ak., CMA, said that the graduates were sent off in a pandemic condition. Online graduation requires graduates to adapt and be ready to face all the consequences.

“Until now, we have been blessed with good health by Allah, we must be grateful. In the future, all of you (graduates, ed) will go beyond and find your stopover point to continue the long journey, “said Nasih.

Graduation, continued Nasih, is a process of recognition and conferment as vocational, bachelor, master, and doctoral degree graduates. With the graduation, they are considered to have met the qualifications as an expert, scholar, and professional who are ready to contribute in society.

In a pandemic situation, Prof. Nasih hoped that the graduates will contribute well to the nation. The graduates were reminded to continue to learn and adapt to the situation, this is also an effort to survive and contribute.

According to him, change can only be made by those who are willing to continue learning and understanding. As graduates from one of the best campuses in Indonesia, graduates are expected to always show the university’s motto, “Excellence with Morality”.

“By combining competence and high morality, you will be winners. Besides, improvisation and sensitivity will be needed to become a great Airlangga Knight, “he explained.

The graduates are expected to be humble, excellent, brave, agile, and transcendent (HEBAT). Scientifically, the graduates have obtained recognition through diplomas, so the society and the nation will wait for their contribution.

“Hopefully you (graduates, ed) will be the successors of our best alumni (UNAIR) like Mr. Totok Lusida who is here today to represent the central management of Alumni Association,” he said.

Many UNAIR alumni have made great contributions to the nation. Interdisciplinary learning will lead graduates to many options and paths. “We are talking about going further towards a multidisciplinary ( inter-professional ) direction in order to be the next generation to advance the nation,” he added.

For Nasih, success is determined by their ability and willingness to continue learning. Even though they have been graduated, he encouraged graduates to keep learning anytime, anywhere and in any way, from anyone. Everyone can be teachers to learn from.

“Excellence and expertise are useless if morality does not follow. By combining excellence and morality, you will become a wise and virtuous person for the nation, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia