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Defining independence, UNAIR lecturer: Fight Coronavirus together to be free from the plague

Dr. Listyono Santoso S.S., M.Hum., a lecturer at Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Commemorating Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia every August 17, has been a tradition for all people in various regions of Indonesia. It is a form of their love to the country and appreciation to the services of heroes who have fought for the independence.

This year, the Indonesian people are faced with a different condition, the Covid-19 pandemic and it is not yet known when it will end. This condition has brought tremendous impact on the lives of all people of the nation, the economy and social relations in various countries, including Indonesia.

Dr. Listyono Santoso S.S., M.Hum., a lecturer at Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) interpreted the situation. He said that independence means the nation is free to determine its own future and it must also deal with the Covid-19 outbreak and survive.

“Covid-19 is like an invisible ‘enemy’ to citizens of the nation and the world. The enemy makes us unable to carry out social and economic activities outside the home, ” he explained to UNAIR NEWS on August 14, 2020 via whatsapp chat.

The meaning of independence amid the pandemic era must also be understood as a true struggle for Indonesians to get out of the Covid-19 outbreak and hopefully, life can return to normal.

The greatest urgency is independence in the health sector, so that all citizens have access to the health sector properly and they are able to get out of the threat of Covid-19 outbreak. It is unlikely that the public will be able to carry out economic activities, social and political activities, and religious activities well if the Covid-19 outbreak still threatens our lives.

“If we are able to get out of the Covid-19 pandemic, that is the starting point to continue the dream of building the country and nation, increasing economic growth so people’s living standards are getting better,” he said.

Although the excitement of the commemoration will be different, there are still many activities that the community can do even at home. Such as decorating the house and environment with various knick-knacks, banners, but still heeding health protocols.

Covid-19 cannot be fought alone

According to Listyono, the festivities were only part of the effort to commemorate Independence Day and not the main thing. Because the main thing is how we interpret independence in the current context, amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Together, people struggle to live a disciplined life in compliance with health protocols and healthy lifestyles, to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

“Fighting the coronavirus together is also an important part in giving meaning of the independence, so this country and nation can get out of the disease outbreak,” he said.

“Like during the struggle period, all people together with the Indonesian Military fought against colonialism. And apparently, they were able to free this country from colonialism, “he added.

Covid-19 cannot be fought alone, but it requires commitment, discipline and consistency of all citizens, to comply with the health protocols established by the state and the authorities. When the spread of Covid-19 can be controlled, this country must make every effort to free its citizens from the bad effects of Covid-19.

Through sustainable development activities to achieve the objective of independence, to create a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila. Through these planned and sustainable development efforts, it will be able to free people from poverty, ignorance of science and technology, the lack of digital technology, and also other activities freely. So, real independence is really obtained.

“Independence has a positive meaning, freedom to determine its own future as a form of sovereignty in politics. So we can be economically independent and have a personality as a nation, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Ulfah Mu’amarotul Hikmah

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh