
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Delving into Wisdom in Nationalistic Contemplation

UNAIR NEWS – To realize the dream of reaching Top 500 World University, UNAIR do not only hold international events but also national ones. It could be seen last Thursday evening when people gathered in front of Management Office Building UNAIR. They were willing to blend in crowds to watch an event ‘Tadabbur Kebangsaan bersama Cak Nun dan Kiai Kanjeng’.

With tubers and a glass of coffee, they watched the celebrities sharing a stage. Some of them were Sapto Band and Kiai Kanjeng. They performed their religious, songs also popular ones in Indonesia or in Western.

The event was attended by UNAIR high officials, students, lecturers and local communities in Surabaya. Moderated by the Head of Information and Public Relations Center (PIH, Drs. Suko Widodo, M.Si, the event was intimate among the civitas academica UNAIR and the communities.

“Now, we can’t see who is the officials and students because everyone blends in,” said Suko.

To start the event, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. M. Nasih, S.E., M.T., Ak, invited the audience to talk about national problems. “Let’s talk about our nation, how social gap is getting wider among our people, “ said UNAIR Rector.

Besides talking about nation, UNAIR Rector reminded the audience the importance of getting wisdom from the process of seeking knowledge. “Always remember that there is always wisdom in knowledge,” said Prof. Nasih.

In response to the statement, Cak Nun elaborated the importance to get wisdom of knowledge. He also encouraged the audience to get wisdom when the event was over. “If you seek only knowledge, going to classes in a week is enough, but wisdom is important,” he said.

Peserta Tadabbur Kebangsaan padati halaman depan Kantor Manajemen Universitas Airlangga, Kamis (26/5) (Foto: Alifian Sukma)
The audience crowded the front yard of Management Building Office Universitas Airlangga on Thursday, May 26. (Photo: Alifian Sukma)

The event held for five hours was followed by the audience enthusiastically. During his speech, Cak Nun invited some people on stage to express their anxieties, from the nation, the youth, moslem problems, to personal problems.

To respond them, Cak Nun emphasized the importance of an individual to understand the cause of things. He also emphasized humanity in life.

“Do not let your position make you forget the real meaning of being human,” he said.

When it reached two a.m. in the morning, the audience still enthusiastic following the event until it was over. Before the guests leaving the venue, some audience had opportunities to shake hands with UNAIR Rector, Cak Nun and Kiai Kanjeng. (*)

Author : Defrina Sukma S.
Editor    : Nuri Hermawan