
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Denny Purno Achieves Best Master Graduate Despite Being Civil Servant

UNAIR NEWS – For Denny Purno Nugroho Hadi Margono, finishing his master degree was a challenge by itself. As a civil servant of  Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, he had to perform as usual and only got permission to study on Friday and Saturday. But the limited time did not stop him from learning until he was named the best master graduate from the Postgraduate School UNAIR in March 2016 graduation with perfect GPA: 4.00.

Working as a doctor in a public health center (puskesmas) in Sungai Besar, Banjarbaru, Denny works in a general clinic and Baby Care Integrated Management (MTBS) unit.as the immunization program coordinator. He also works as part-time lecturer in Poltekkes Banjarmasin. He admitted that his job as a doctor enabled him to finish his thesis.

In his thesis research, he studied the problem of high tendency of Malaria in some areas in South Kalimantan. He thought that an alternative therapy is needed other than the main therapy, or the additional therapy is to lessen the severeness.

The most interesting experience was when he was taking Immunology class in Postgraduate School UNAIR. He had to perform a practical study in Infection Hospital (RSKI) UNAIR and Institute of Tropical Disease (ITD) Universitas Airlangga. Denny performed a DNA, cells and stem cells isolation. It was a new experience for the man born in Martapura, September 12, 1979.

The father of two admitted his happiness as during college he was trusted to give counseling on the danger of narcotics with National Narcotics Agency (BNN) Banjarbaru. With his many activities during master program, he had some tips for students currently studying in UNAIR.

”Make more time and read more references, as master program learns more in depth than the bachelor program. Furthermore, don’t forget to always pray despite being so busy and ask for parents’ blessings,” said Denny. (*)

Author: Binti Quryatul Masruroh.
Editor: BE Santosa