UNAIR NEWS – Based on the results of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018, the dental problems in Indonesia are tooth decay, cavities and pain (45.3 percent). Meanwhile, the majority of Indonesian population experienced oral health problems in the form of swollen gums or abscesses (14 percent).
Dental and oral health problems are still serious problems today. Education and public knowledge are limited. Most of them brought their complaints to the doctor when it was “too late”.
As a response to this issue, Faculty of Dental Medicine Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), in collaboration with Alumni Association (IKA), managed to hold a grand teledentistry social service in 11 provinces. The unique thing about implementing Teledentistry this year is the use of social media WhatsApp, Instagram, Skype, Zoom, to Youtube.
Canino Cahya as the chief executive explained that teledentistry activities were carried out in the framework of the 11th year dentistry charity. These activities are usually carried out offline in one city, but given the pandemic situation they are held online.
“In particular, this year it will take place in 11 provinces at once, where the dentistry charity committee live,” said Nino on Friday, September 4.
The points of distribution are in the provinces of East Java, Central Java, West Java, DKI Jakarta, Banten, Lampung, Central Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, Bali, Yogyakarta and Jambi. The consultation was conducted on Sunday 30 August 2020 and Thursday 3 September 2020, and attended by more than 120 patients.
In this activity, the public can consult online regarding oral health issues. The committee collaborated with FKG UNAIR alumnus as a companion doctor to provide directions for temporary handling of patient complaints that can be done at home. Furthermore, they also inform patients to immediately visit local community health center (puskesmas).
“Usually, we carry out social services (dental extraction, tartar cleaning, dental filling) for free, for seven days outside the city. However, because of the pandemic, we emphasize on educating the public about the importance of maintaining oral health, “he explained.
In addition to educating patients who consult online, the committees also invite these patients to actively remind their relatives and neighbors about the health and cleanliness of teeth and mouth. Moreover, in the midst of a pandemic, people are asked to keep their distance and are prohibited from going to hospitals, clinics, or doctors, except in emergency conditions.
Meanwhile, failing to maintain the cleanliness and health of teeth and mouth will cause swollen gums, bleeding, and cavities during brushing and flossing. If not treated immediately, there will be an infection, which can cause diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and atherosclerosis.
Furthermore, apart from routine brushing, flossing and rinsing can follow as a series of comprehensive oral care because gargling can help destroy the remaining bacteria that settle on the teeth and gums.
“We also held Telemedicine in the form of dissemination to dentists in the Lumajang area, FKG UNAIR alumni, and inbound students. The topic was empowering dentists to hold practice again during pandemic, “he explained.
Nino also said that Faculty of Dental Medicine had planned to develop special app, for the purposes of continuous online consult. The platform will later be in the form of an app or website, so it is easy to reach and be used by the community. (*)
Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i