Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Department of Social Affairs of KM, Distributes Donation of UNAIR Shares

One of PSDKU Banyuwangi students gives basic commodity from various UNAIR results to one of the partner villagers. (Photo: Special)
One of PSDKU Banyuwangi students gives basic commodity from various UNAIR results to one of the partner villagers. (Photo: Special)

UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR Shares donation is a form of synergy between Department of Social Affairs of Student Family and Department / Division of Community Service of Student Association at PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi.

The donation was opened since the beginning of 2019, precisely on Saturday, January 12. Beside receiving donation through wired transfer, UNAIR Shares donation was also collected in classes through student associations once a week.

On Tuesday, May 28, Ahmad Rido’i Yuda Prayogi, as the Head of the Social Security Department, told UNAIR NEWS that the donation of UNAIR Shares had been closed since Wednesday, May 22, with the total donation reached Rp 3,046,900.

“On behalf of Student Family, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to the donors, hopefully it will always be recorded as good deeds, and we as the party collecting donations will maintain the trust of all our friends by distributing the aid to the right people,” said the student of FKM

Since 2018, PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi campus has assisted Tamansari village. KM and HIMA agreed to distribute the donation to residents of Tamansari village on Saturday, May 25.

“Aside from being an assisted village, we feel that some residents there really need help, although we only help a little, but InsyaAllah, it can be useful,” said Yuda.

Not only in the form of money, UNAIR Shares collected donation was also in the form of basic commodities, then divided into seven hamlets of Tamansari village. There were 7-9 families aided from each hamlet.

“In the process of providing assistance, the aid distribution team coordinated with the hamlet heads in Tamansari village, to get accurate data on residents eligible for aid. We prioritize those who are economically disadvantaged, widows, elderly and orphans who live alone, and the results Alhamdulillah are right on target, “Yuda added.

The distribution of aid in remote parts of Tamansari was not an easy thing, because some target locations cannot even be accessed by motorbike, so the distribution team must walk for a few minutes. However, the distribution of aid was welcomed by Tamansari residents and they were grateful that students still cared about the people. (*)

Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Nuri Hermawan