Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Developing scientific writing culture through UNAIR LIPJPHKI’s program

UNAIR Menulis (lit.UNAIR Writes) Batch 1 together with UNAIR Academics. (Photo: Youtube LIPJPHKI UNAIR)
UNAIR Menulis (lit.UNAIR Writes) Batch 1 together with UNAIR Academics. (Photo: Youtube LIPJPHKI UNAIR)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga’s Institute for Innovation, Journal Development, Publishing and Intellectual Property Rights (LIPJPHKI) held a program called UNAIR Menulis (lit. UNAIR Writes) Batch I. This program becomes a new forum for Universitas Airlangga academics to foster a culture and habit of writing.

As stated by UNAIR Menulis (UM) Program Coordinator, Ayu Lana Nafisyah S.Pi., M.Sc. Ph.D, the program has three main objectives, developing a culture of excellence in writing and communicating research or study results in a structured manner in the scientific community, increasing motivation and skills of UNAIR academics in writing and finishing scientific papers, and becoming a ‘space’ in building a network through supporting groups.

“Many people still have the wrong perception, thinking that this activity is like a seminar. But this program is actually a forum for lecturers and students to spend time writing and being motivated,” said the lecturer known well as Lana.

The UM program will be carried out regularly, twice a month. The program does not work only as a space for authors. In the future, UNAIR’s best researchers will be presented to provide motivation and best steps in completing and producing scientific articles.

“There will be professional speakers, top researchers of UNAIR who will certainly motivate us all with their experiences,” she added.

The UM program consists of four main sessions, Pomodoro I to Pomodoro IV. On this occasion the participants were given time, each of 25 minutes, to write down things about the scientific article they were working on. Therefore, participants are expected to have set targets.

“In every UM session, participants must first register and they attend UM for a minimum of 4 periods. The outcome we hope is for the participants to submit their written articles to journals with international reputation, ” she said

Lana, M.Sc. Ph.D., believes that the program is a good opportunity for lecturers with their busy schedules, as well as students. “If there is a special forum like this, of course, they inevitably will make the time to write. For students especially those who just about to start writing scientific articles, this activity gives them opportunity to get colleagues who they may collaborate with, ” she added.

Furthermore, the UM program batch I was attended by more than 300 participants from various groups, lecturers, students and alumni. This activity was carried out openly through Zoom and Youtube live streaming on LIPJPHKI channel. In the future, the program will be implemented again on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, and will end in October 2021. (*)

Author: Dimar Herfano

Editor: Feri Fenoria