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DPR Commission XI Visits UNAIR to Discuss Tax Amnesty Draft Bill

UNAIR NEWS – After receiving a visit from Commission II DPR-RI in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) few days ago, UNAIR received another visit from Commission XI DPR-RI on Thursday, April 21. Commission which oversees finance, national development planning, banking, financial institutions was received in Faculty of Economy and Business (FEB) UNAIR.  Besides looking for inputs regarding Tax Amnesty draft bill from FEB experts, Commission XI also got inputs from FH UNAIR experts and the Head of Regional Tax Office East Java.

‘‘Our visit this time was to look for inputs from the attending academicians for considerations regarding Tax Amnesty draft bill,” said  Ir. H. Soepriyatno, Vice Chairman of Commission XI DPR RI in his speech.

Related to the draft bill, Dr. Elia Mustikasari SE., M.Si., Ak., as a lecturer of FEB UNAIR explained thirteen important points to consider. One of them was the draft bill should be approved to strengthen the National State Budget (APBN), foreign income, to reduce exchange rate pressure, to improve liquidity in the economy, to support the Tax Office in developing national taxation system and taxpayer transparency in the future. In a developing country, this tax phenomenon can affect the country’s Gross Domestic Product to 30-40%. Therefore, tax amnesty is expected to reduce that amount.

”To implement this bill, a strong administration system and database related to business transactions are needed,” he said.

From the legal aspect, Dr., Rr. Herini Siti Aisyah S.H., M.H., explained that the law enforcement issue can be seen from four things, passive resistance, active resistance, tax avoidance and tax evasion. The resistance here was the resistance on the implementation, direct or indirect, passively or actively, while the other two were about avoiding tax either violating or not violating the law.

”Tax amnesty should be prepared well and carefully before implemented, and the people should support it,” she said.

In the immense discussion on the draft bill, there were many comments and inputs from many parties, MM., Ir. Andreas Eddy Susetyo from PDIP factioncommented on the inputs received. He stated that this draft bill was still a controversy among two sides the pros and the cons. For him, this draft bill was not an easy task, appropriate team of experts needed to formulate it.

Meanwhile, Evi Zainal Abidin, B. Com from the Democratic Party faction had his comment. For him, this draft bill was not easy, prosperity and well-being of people should be considered. He also commented on the deadline for this draft bill as it was to short and to be implemented in June.

“This draft bill was given last April 12 by the government, we could not assess if it could be done in that short time,” added the member of Democratic Party faction. (*)

Author : M. Ahalla Tsauro
Editor    : Nuri Hermawan