UNAIR NEWS – Midterm exam (UTS) of Universitas Airlangga students are still being conducted despite the issue of coronavirus outbreak. For the first time on a massive scale, the midterm exams were conducted online. Online exam activities are planned to last for the next two weeks from Monday (3/16/2020).
One of the programs that conducts online examinations is Communication program of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP). On Monday, March 16, 2020, Media and Law course that was taught by Titik Puji Rahayu S. Sos., M.Comms., PhD. held an exam using UNAIR E-learning.
“Due to coronavirus, I decided to take online exam. Some of courses I teach used take-home exams. Today, the midterm exam is online for Media and Law, instead of what we do usually, exam in class and open book, “said Titik.
Titik continued, Media and Law midterm exam today uses UNAIR E-learning because there is a quiz feature. The lecturer prepares a question bank, then E-learning system gives the quiz randomly to each student account taking the exam. “So each student has different questions. Minimizing the desire to cheat each other, ” she explained.
Nevertheless, Titik said that lectures and exams both online and face-to-face have their advantages and disadvantages. “If everything is done face to face, students and lecturers can be technology illiterate. If it is made online, the interaction between students and lecturers becomes less. I think it must be balanced, ” she said.
For lectures and exams that require face-to-face meeting, according to him, it is related to subjects that require to conduct demonstrations, observations, and go into the field. “It cannot be replaced by online exams. The point must be balanced, ” she added.

UNAIR e-learning
In line with that, the Head of UNAIR’s Center for Learning Innovation and Certification (PIPS) Yuni Sari Amalia S.S., M.A., Ph.D said that technically, UNAIR E-learning features delivery material for Power Point Presentations (PPT), video, audio, and also text. There are also forums and discussions via video and chat.
“The assignment or assessment system can be through multiple choice or open question essays, more to analysis, evaluation, and problem solving,” explained Yuni.
She also explained online learning provided in web platforms (e-learning and MOOC) and Mobile App, available for specific goals and needs.
However, Yuni said there are many other platforms that can be used by teaching staff to provide online exams. Other platforms that can be used include Edmodo, Hangeout, Easy talk, MOOC, and some other platforms that have their respective advantages according to desired needs.
“Technology is there to help us, not making us slaves to technology. Not only for Corona emergencies like today, online is a choice. Later on, if we have passed this (Corona, ed) well, online learning can still be used, “said the English Literature lecturer.
Exam run well
One of the students of Universitas Airlangga who took an online exam was Dimar Herfano from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK). According to him, FPK already has an application for an online exam named SUJANA.
For Android users, the application can be downloaded at Playstore. While other students who do not use Android operating system can access the s.id/sujanasites page via their respective laptops or personal computers (PCs).
“I personally have test on the first day, Fish parasitology on Monday at 10:00 to 11.50. Students can carry out UTS anywhere and anytime according to their respective exam schedules, “Dimar said.
“For the exam, it’s an open book exam, there were 10 essay questions, we may open journals and other references,” continued the fourth semester student.
For information, the online exam policy implemented at UNAIR is in accordance with the rector’s memo about teaching and learning activities in UNAIR. In the memo, the rector appealed to enable learning activities online.
If they had to to do exams or lectures on campus, lectures in class should only be done if they met medical requirements, including air conditioning, the availability of a handsanitizer, and the number of participants and the health of participants. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh