Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Rector confers degrees upon 1,062 graduates

UNAIR NEWS – Every student dreams of celebrating the graduation moment, which marks their hard work in completing their studies. The emotional and proud moment took place on the first day of graduation, Saturday, March 2, 2024, for the 241st period at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC), MERR-C Campus.

In this joyous moment, UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak, officially conferred degrees upon a total of 1,062 graduates from diploma (D3-D4), bachelor’s (S1), master’s (S2), specialist one (Sp1), specialist two (Sp2), and doctoral (S3) programs. In his address, Prof. Nasih conveyed that graduation is not the ultimate goal nor the end of students’ journey.

“Graduation is not the destination, it’s not the end of the journey. It’s just a stopover and a stepping stone for a more challenging journey, marking a special moment. It is the beginning of a long journey,” he said.

The professor calls the graduates to always be grateful and begin their new journeys with a prayerful spirit, emphasizing the upcoming harder challenges. Additionally, he advised the graduates to promptly engage in self-reflection to determine the next steps in their paths.

UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak. (Photo: PKIP UNAIR)

Prof. Nasih stated that in life’s journey, no one can avoid significant challenges, one of which is change. However, individuals who are committed to continuous learning are inherently more likely to seize opportunities for success.

“The greatest challenge is change. Nothing stays in a fixed position. If the Earth ceases its movement, refusing to change, doomsday is inevitable. The same goes for when the sun stops orbiting. Thus, learning is an inevitability in the face of change. It can be navigated through learning, as it is an integral part of the strategy and effort to achieve success,” he said.

It is only fitting that the entire academic community upholds the UNAIR values. Embracing the principles of HEBAT, which stands for Humble, Excellence, Brave, Agile, and Transcendent, remains crucial.

“Be a humble person, don’t be arrogant, and never cease to learn. Learning can happen anywhere, anytime, and with anyone. The spirit to continuously learn becomes a valuable asset when accompanied by humility. Arrogance closes the door to knowledge, making it difficult to surpass higher doors,” he went on.

The entire UNAIR community must uphold honesty and never engage in manipulation. A scholar may acknowledge their errors, but not through deceit.

For the record, the graduation ceremony is graced by some distinguished guests. Among them are Prof. Dr Ir. Ari Purbayanto, MSc, the Head of the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT), Prof. Akhmad Muzakki, MAg, GradDip SEA, MPhil, PhD, the Rector of the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel (UINSA), and Prof. Dr. Siti Marwiyah, SH, MH, the Rector of Dr. Soetomo University (Unitomo).

Author: Maissy Ar Maghfiroh

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia