Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Enliven Ramadan with Airlangga Islamic Competition for Kids

UNAIR NEWS – Ramadan was enlivened with joy by Accounting Association Study Program Off Main Campus (HMA PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi. During this blessed month, HMA PSDKU held an Airlangga Islamic Competition for Kids in Banyuwangi district. The work program made by External Department of Community Social Division has become the new HMA PSDKU work program.

Based on the interview with Ratika Eka Putri Septiana as Head of Airlangga’s Executive Islamic Competition for Kids, the first event held in Ramadhan 1440 H packed with a series of Ramadhan actions. Regarding the purpose, the event which took place at Sobo Campus aimed at stimulating young people to develop their talents.

“For this year, the theme is Reaping Blessings in Ramadan,” he explained.

In Airlangga Islamic Competition for Kids activity, there were three competition. Starting from the pildacil competition, memorizing Quran surah, and adhan competition. At registration time, according to him, there were forty-two participants from Al-Qur’an Education Park (TPQ), Kindergarten (TK) and Elementary School (SD) in Banyuwangi District.

“The participants were very enthusiastic for this competition, students parent who accompanied their sons and daughters were very proud while watching their children participating in Airlangga Islamic Competition for Kids,” said the student who is familiarly called Ratika.

Besides, the winner of Airlangga Islamic Competition for Kids 2019 for Al-Quran surah memorization competition for kindergarten category were Muhammad Fatih, second place Naufal Fadilah Yusuf and the third place Hanin Alya. For elementary school category, the first and second place winners from Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Satu Banyuwangi and third place from SDN Model.

For Adhan competition, Kindergarten category won first place by R.A Tunas, second from TK AI Khomar and third by TK Model. In elementary school category first and second place winners from SD Model and third place winner MIN 1 Banyuwangi. In the pildacil competition, the winner Zahrotussita Aulia W, second place winner Faiz Al Izza, and third place winner Arlyeta Mhira Anindya.

Author: Sulistyo Primadani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan