
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Excellent Education Program of 57th KKN-BBM

UNAIR NEWS – Various programs were held in Community Service Program – Learning Together with the Community (KKN-BBM)  Universitas Airlangga in Sugihwaras Sub-district, Bojonegoro Regency. The programs cover the fields of health, environment, economy, and education.

KKN activities become a momentum to give education at kindergarten (TK) or elementary school (SD). The lack of teachers in the village made KKN a highly anticipated presence, especially to help activities or teach various subjects.

“We usually teach mathematics, Indonesian, and English. It all depends on the class schedule assigned by the guardian teacher. Meanwhile, every Saturday we also participate in gymnastics routine, walk around the village, and drum band exercise , “said Devi Noaritasari, KKN student of Nglajang Village team.

Devi said that there are only nine teachers at SDN Nglajang. However, not all teachers attend the classes so some of them do not learn. On the other hand, some students cannot read and count.

“The children here may be naughty and a little bit rude so please understand. Apart from that, KKN brothers can provide additional training such as folding origami or dancing, “said Mr. Malik Muluk, one of the teachers.

In addition to helping to teach, the student’s learning program was aimed to share the spirit of learning and convince the village children that they can also get higher education especially to develop the village.

All students of Nglajang Elementary School can also study in the afternoon at the village hall.  Nglajang Village team also opened a reading house started on Saturday, January 6 and opens every day to improve the literacy of this millennial era.

Meanwhile, KKN team of Ngroggot Village, Nganjuk, held toothbrushing and hand washing training in SD Trayang 2. Oktavia Dewi, one of the team members in the village, said that the purpose of the training program on Thursday (11/01 ) was to increase knowledge, awareness, and the importance of maintaining healthy dental and hand from an early age.

Enthusiastic elementary school students practice the right handwashing and toothbrushing in Community Service Program – Learning Together with the Community (KKN-BBM) 

Breaking Eggs in Kindergarten

At the kindergarten, students are introduced to nature, recreation sites, how to break eggs, and measure height and weight. It is an agenda every month to train students’ independence and courage to try new things.

In addition, the enthusiasm of Dharmawanita Nglajang kindergarten students was very high with the presence of KKN students from UNAIR. They carefully followed the direction to break eggs.

“This activity is routinely done to know the progress of the students and train the students to be able to grab the correct eggs,” said Bu Heti, one of the kindergarten teachers.

One of the kindergarten students followed the height measurement in the 57th KKN-BBM activity. (Photo: Siti Nur Umami)

Author: Siti Nur Umami

Editor: Feri Fenoria