UNAIR NEWS – As a global engagement unit, Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) launched a featured program called Top 100 Partners. It is a collaborative program that involves 100 prestigious universities in the world to carry out various activities related to the Tri Dharma (Three Pillars) of Higher Education.
Through this program, Iman Harymawan, PhD as the Head of AGE, said that UNAIR has partnered with more than 80 top campuses in the world. Some of them are the University of Oxford, University of Melbourne, University of Malaya, Monash University, and many others.
“Our engagement is to invite academic lectures from abroad, commonly known as the DECOTA program, to give guest lectures and webinars at UNAIR,” he explained on Wednesday, December 1, 2021.
After the academic lectures, Iman said that AGE would offer cooperation in the field of research for the next step. In this long-term collaboration, UNAIR researchers will collaborate with researchers abroad to gain various research products.
“To date, the number of articles or research products of UNAIR researchers has almost reached 7,000 articles on Scopus,” he added.

Mutual Faculty
In the process of implementing the Top 100 Partners, AGE makes a mapping known as Mutual Faculty. First, AGE will list any leading campuses that have the same faculties as UNAIR’s. Next, the AGE team will look for a list of talents from the faculty who have expertise according to UNAIR needs to be invited as a speaker.
“After finding talents, we will offer cooperation with them to be hosts of UNAIR activities,” explained the FEB (Faculty of Economics and Business) UNAIR lecturer.
Furthermore, Iman said that AGE would distribute the cooperation offers to each related faculty at UNAIR. “Regarding technical preparation and implementation, AGE cooperates with faculties at UNAIR,” he explained.
In the future, Iman plans to create a new scheme that targets every faculty in UNAIR to collaborate with various top universities annually. “Hopefully, in 2023, the scheme can begin to be realized. We will also increase the number of products that can be offered to abroad parties,” he hoped.
Although the focus is on the Top 100 Program, Iman emphasized that UNAIR is still open to collaborating with any campus. (*)
Author: Nikmatus Sholikhah
Editor : Binti Q, Masruroh