Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Extension of LTMPT account registration, registrants increase drastically

Illustration by hitekno com

UNAIR NEWS – After being opened from December 2, 2019, to January 7, 2020, the account registration of Institution of University Entrance Exams (LTMPT) as a requirement for registering public universities was already extended until January 9, 2020. After the two-day extension, registration for the LTMPT account was officially closed.

Previously, the Head of 2020 LTMPT Prof. Dr Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT, Ak., CMA., said that the extension was given to students and schools that had not been able to finalize. Prof. Nasih, as of Tuesday, January 7, at 15:25, the number of schools that have registered for accounts are 22,294. There are 21,296 schools that have activated accounts, and 11,816 schools made their data permanent.

He also said that students who had made accounts reached 1,271,753. The active accounts reached 1,203,906 active student accounts, and 901,275 student data are permanent.

Furthermore, after being extended for two days, data on the number of schools and students showed a drastic increase. According to Prof. Nasih, as of January 10, 2020, at 13:00 Western Indonesian Time, the number of active school accounts was 23,073, the number of school permanent data was 18,955, the number of schools which have not verified their data was 4,118. The number of active student accounts was 1,375,381, the number of permanent student data was 1,255,031, and the number of students who have not yet finalized the data was 120,350.

“Furthermore, LTMPT provides an opportunity to finalize data for schools and students who already have accounts until January 10, 2020, at 13:00 WIB,” he stated.

Prof. Nasih also explained, after finalizing the data, schools and students could carry out the next procedure, submitting PDSS data from January 15 to February 8, 2020, and SNMPTN registration from February 11 to February 25, 2020.

“What needs to keep in mind, schools and students should pay close attention to the stages that have been scheduled and determined,” he said.

Author: Nuri Hermawan